FBI shut down sunspot observatory

Possible theories:

  • Foreign government attempted to hack into the observatory (but why when they can see everything from space, unless its a backdoor to some military servers)
  • Anthrax mailed to the facility (haven’t heard of that in a long time though)
  • Observatory inadvertently or purposefully took pictures of a top secret satellite in orbit
  • Aliens: but I would imagine the government would be sending in Top Secret, Seal Team 6 dudes that wipe out the facility and make everyone disappear


  • Someone at the facility found dirt on Hillary Clinton and she had them “suicided” :expressionless: LOL (just kidding)

LOL I’m a member over on AR15.com as well, and even build my own rifles… but its amazing how paranoid/schizophrenic/ridiculous people can get.

“They won’t be able to walk the streets.”

Wait firedome, if your location is correct (Skagen - Denmark); and the aliens show up there: you’d probably do better showing them to your local mayor…. Birgit Hansen.

Let them start small & work their way up to the big leagues… :wink:

+1 Same here.

You rock!

Hollow Sun?

:smiley:I have my moments. :wink: Especially when someone with ‘no dog in the hunt’ takes a cheap shot.

I’m 100% with you my friend.

/\ …. :+1: :beer:

Black Hole Sun


It’s like you channeled my 12 y/o kids. “…but she/he started it!”

Isn't the official story always an out of control weather balloon!

Pretty much it seems…. :smiley:

Brilliant! I love that. And I’m stealing it :slight_smile:

I did read that a bunch of live feeds from various observatories went off line as well.

Being in the UK I can’t have an AR-15 which a bit annoying, but I can have a 25K lumen flashlight so it all balances out :slight_smile:

Anyway….IT’S ALIENS!!

Seems to work for most people

Hard to argue with facts though isn’t it?? Someone takes a cheap shot, maybe… just maybe; they deserve what they get.
Especially when they ‘did not have a dog in the hunt’ to begin with…. so to speak.

True… it sure does. :+1: . :wink:

People in EU hate Trump because of the mockingbird media.

People in EU hate Trump cause they still mad about 1776.

They forgot sometimes if it wasn’t for us they’d all be speaking German.