Anyone remember these bicycle lights when you were a youngster?

1968 Sears bicycle I had. Still can remember the smell of replacing those Rayovac batteries.

I won’t clap…I can feel pain in my thighs just by remembering old dynamo’s friction. :smiley:

Yeah, and as I posted earlier as having 2 sets in my bike, I remember during those days in my backward country, all bikes were just single-speed, so don’t just make the mistake of using a 12-teeth rear sprocket!

I had a Schwinn Stingray in the 1960’s with one of those generator lights installed on it. Brings back some great teenage memories.

Yep, same on my1969 Schwinn Fastback, light kit, metal flake green with the metal flake green banana seat/handle bar grips that matched, Hi Ride sissy bar too!

The next Christmas I got the Varoom engine/noise maker to put on it, with my first leather motorcycle jacket and Levi Blue Jean boots to boot! :smiley:

OMG Levi Blue Jean boots… :person_facepalming:

Almost forgot about the single speed! I remember coming home from school everyday in Australia riding up the final big hill to our home zigzagging all the way up because I didn't want to be beat down by it and get off my bike. It was good exercise and without any training except for riding my my bicycle, I always won the 100 yard sprint every year in my school.

That would be another fun project to start one day. Would be fun to make a prototype and connect it to my handlebar with a USB outlet for charging lights and phones.

I didn’t have one, but Bart did. :smiley:

I had one on my Schwinn Varsity. I just remember all the black tire dust and after wearing out two front tires, taking it off. Being a kid, a tire was a lot of money (and getting a flat because the sidewall suddenly disappeared was no fun), and I decided batteries were cheaper. Don’t remember the light I replaced it with, though.

ETA: Mine was a headlight only, so the generator was supposed to be on the front wheel.

This is the way I remember my light.
It worked pretty well going down hill.

My father had one on his bike apparently, and just asked him about it, and it was a pain to work with and install.

I’m way younger than you guys and gals, so can’t really vouch on experience.

I used to ride mine around with skin tight blue jeans along with Flag Bros Beatle boots. I laugh when I think what that looked like. Oh yeah, my Stingray was a single speed metallic blue model with a white bananna seat. Unfortunately it go stolen.

I had the ribbed black banana seat with the high handlebars in front all pimped out lol. Can tell we're ancient!

This is same one I had except mine had those mini fenders, and of course the generator light and a speedometer. BTW, nothing wrong with being ancient! Proud to be born in 1952!

Mine looked like this…

But with this Sissy Bar…


Too Coool! :smiley:

Nice! I’m not sure if the 5 speed model was out when my dad bought me the one I had in 1967. I love the sissy bar!

Boy, what a fantastic childhood memory this thread brings up. Had this bike @1964. 3 speed. Santa brought it. (My tail light generator was mounted on rear)

Thanks for the memories !! :+1:

I love that all in one generator/lights! I forgot they made those! Who could forget those 3-speed hubs? Remember they were called English Racers?

Great thread that brings back fond memories…. thanks!!! :slight_smile: