[Available again! - BLF special edition light] new Sofirn AAA twisty high CRI 5mm LED

sorry for the hijack guys
now back to our regularly scheduled FlashLight Program

I just love that Tail!

I do too, that was very well thought out!! :+1: :beer:

If the driver is the same as E01, this would be awesome. The E01 can fire up with dead cell that other lights can’t fire up.

I am in for 2pcs, different tints!

Off-Topic :innocent: :

I especially like AAA flashlights because they can always be carried and used batteries that can be purchased anywhere.

But I especially like the color camo: as some special edition of the Sunwayman R01A and the Arc AAA.

Maybe Sofirn could launch a limited run of its new model AAA 5mm led, in camo color as the R01A and the Arc AAA, and feed them with a slightly larger current, about 50mA in led, that is, about 15 or 20 lumens . Of course, with the corresponding surcharge, which I would gladly pay.

I’m in for at least 1 of each tint.

For that price I would love to buy one of each tint as well. Please put me on the list :+1:

I’m in for one of each tint for sure!

Throw me in for a 3200k version

in for 2 , one of each tint

I’ll be in for 2 units. Both 5600k.

That’s very reassuring to know :slight_smile:

Thank you to everyone who took the time to do those tests :+1:

So can you buy these yet? I want one of each tint.

2 pcs with 5600K please - thanks!

No, they are in the prototype stage still.

Latest update is that they will now make a first run of 100 pieces for troubleshooting purposes, and if found well then mass production (yes, I asked if there will be BLF testing of those as well, no answer yet). The colours will be black and red for sure, and probably pale gold after all.

I like the blue finish they put on some of their lights as well. Did we already discuss color options are are we not there yet?

I already have too many AAA lights but I’m in for one of each tint anyway. These look interesting.

We had discussions about the colours, there was even a poll, and all results were communicated to Sofirn. But ultimately it is their call what colours are made, depending what we like, what they like or think will sell, but also what colours they are experienced with, and the number of lights that they think that will sell (more lights, more colours).

(I still want purple, but that did not make it in the poll :frowning: )

+1 :person_facepalming: :weary:

:+1: :cry: