6. Batch "TA" 1S or 2S Bistro HD OTSM/NarsilM drivers 15-47.5mm size fit, S2+, C8, H03, MF01, MT03, Q8 Clicky or E-switch

AFAIK he is still working on his boost drivers getting the software side of things to work properly.

Modding potential for the ODL20C is unknown. If it has the integrated side switch on the driver (like the ODF30), then you might be screwed. You’d need to design a driver from scratch or somehow rig up a side switch.

If it has a seperate switch, you are in a better position. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for boost drivers. MTN E has released his first boost driver, but it’s a small diameter and small powered. The ODL20C needs a bigger driver with more power. Richard also hasn’t got his e-switch firmware working on them.

It may be several more months before we see any proper e-switch boost drivers. Maybe 6 months, maybe more.

Ps, you’ll probably loose the built in charging.

Personally, I would not mod the ODL20C. I would start with a Utorch UT02 for about $25 because it’s cheap and I know it has a seperate switch. Then swap the driver once we have a good boost driver available.

Hi JasonWW, will it be possible to retain usb charging if one swaps the driver of the UT02?

It’s highly unlikely, unless your a really good modder and electrical engineer. On the plus side, the charging board in the UT02 looks seperate. You’d need to figure out how to attach it’s wires to your aftermarket driver.

In looking up driver pics I see the UT02 might be glued. Then again, the ODL20C might be glued. My ODF30 was glued between the battery tube and head. It was a beast to get loose.

You might check if your ODL20C is glued or not.

I see what you mean. It’s a pity because some of us actually want to retain the USB charging. I wish more manufacturers would integrate the USB charging into tnr battery tube like the Haikelite SC01/SC02. Thanks anyway JasonWW

Mind if I ask what parameters you used for Anduril?

I wonder, because I’ve decided that’s what I want to flash onto the H03 drivers you’ve sent me.

I’ve been doing some research, and the closest I can find is something in the main Anduril thread where someone said “The TA uses 3 power channels, so the #define for the FW3A might work.”

So I’m assuming that’s a good starting point? Does anyone know if this still holds true?

Sorry, I know Anduril isn’t your thing and you’re just getting started in it. I just love this UI so stinking much I flashed all my compatible lights over to it already.

FF ROT66 should be also compatible

you got to look in the setup files for the lights that contain the ramping table and mode sets

I need another 15mm driver with presoldered 2× 2-inch wires and a short spring. Plus a custom programming as follows. What would be the cost of this? Thank you!

1. TURBO should be set at 0.002*FET (yes ~10ma)

2. custom modes:
1: 2, one7135, all7135
2: 3, one7135, all7135
3: 5, one7135, all7135
4: 6, one7135, all7135
5: 7, one7135, all7135
6: 4,6, one7135, all7135
7: 4,7, one7135, all7135
8: 5,7, one7135, all7135

9-22: default

23: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
24: 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
25: 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
26: 1,one7135,3,one7135,5,one7135,7,one7135
27: 6,all7135,10,all7135,14,all7135,18,all7135

Plus intl shipping


Ok thanks! The ramping table, as in the code that tells the driver exactly how to combine the fet and 7135 to get the correct current for each step in the ramp? I assume that changes depending on hardware config?

Sorry, this is the wrong place for this. BLF is hard to navigate through all the information.

Lowest step is 1/255 for FET, AMCs usually 2-3

If you can wait until tomorrow, I can send you my Anduril config for the H03.

In general, the ramping levels are from the FW3A while the button light things are from the D4S.

Sorry, what does this mean?

Oh man that would be great! That makes sense. I can definitely wait, tracking says they should be here in a day or two. Can you send me the hex too? Atmel studio has been giving me fits, and I haven’t gotten around to setting up an ubuntu environment, so just dropping the hex in there is ideal until I get around to customizing things.

Thank you!

I don’t know much about anything, but the AMC is probably the 7135 current regulator.

It is.

I think Lexel is saying that if you use a 1/255 on the AMC 7135 channel the current will be too low and the led will not light up. So lowest he uses for the AMC is either 2 or 3.

As promised:

Hex with stock Anduril


  • Stock Anduril
  • Ramping config from FW3A
  • Aux-LED is disabled as there was not enough space with the 3rd PWM channel

Hex with slightly modified Anduril


  • Anduril, but disabled stepped ramping
  • Lowest moonlight may flicker, in that case, set ramping floor to level 2 to fix it
  • AUX-LED works like in the D4S

Anduril-Source with Atmel Studio project


  • Stock Anduril
  • Added files / defines for H03 Texas Avenger driver
  • Added Atmel Studio Project
  • I only tested if it builds
  • Structure is the same as stock Anduril, so if you want to get newer code from ToyKeepers repository,you can merge it.

Anduril-Source with my changes


  • Add defines for all blinky / flashy modes
  • Add define for stepped ramping
  • Add define for level 1 = reduced moonlight
  • Add H03_TA config with FW3A ramps and D4S AUX-LED

Guide how to import Anduril into Atmel Studio


  • No grantee for correctness, it just creates a hex file.

So now, if you want a lighted button and stepped ramping, you would need to search what else to disable to save the missing 52 bytes of flash.

Looks like the time has come to tweak your 4S Q8 buck driver now that Sofirn has made this Q8 battery carrier extension. XHP35’s here we come?

Thank you very much! Everyone is so helpful here.

I can’t wait for them stinking drivers to get here!

I did not realize that the numerical levels come off the AMCs, other than one/all7135. Is that so?

I really dont know, I’m just translating for Lexel.

I think he’s saying that on a FET only driver (1 channel) you have a huge range of brightness levels from many amps down to milliamps and you can use that step 1 of 255 and the led will light up just fine. In fact it may not get dim enough for a true moonlight.

On a 2 channel driver which is using a single AMC 7135 chip the range of amperage is much smaller. Max is only 350 miliamps and if you use 1 of 255 the output is so low the led might not light up.

Does that make sense?

We use 8 Bit dimming per channel from the MCU so 256 levels
of course 0 does not count, so we got 255 steps left

FETs are pretty fast in switching so with 20kHz PWM we have 50us for a full PWM cycle
50us/256 we get about 200ns

the AMC is a current regulator and on the lower end the very short PWM cycles do barely switch current through its like a low pass filter, the shorter the on cycle in the PWM is the higher is its frequency change from low to low