FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Count me in for 1 please. Thanks!

Please add me for 1. Thanks!

Is this project still alive? I haven’t seen anything in a couple of months.

Yes, alive, and seemingly close to fruition.

Add me to the list for 2
Thanks :smiley:

Yep… alive & well. Just growing until the proper time to bloom.

In time, all will be revealed…… :wink:

FWIW, I’m in the dark too… just waiting for updates. Wondering how the latest prototypes are.

How can you? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Don’t you have any flashlight to play with? :smiley:

Well, maybe someone of TLF can say something about it if the “tests” were already made…

I would like add to the list

I’m swimming in flashlights. :smiley:

But I don’t have one of the most recent prototypes, so I don’t know if they’re ready for production or if there are still things to fix. From what I’ve heard, there were two, and Neal sent them to Fritz and Cawi. Hopefully they’ll have time to test the prototypes soon, and post the results.

There’s been about 350 posts in the last 2 months.

These projects always have lulls where we are waiting on the manufacturer to finish a prototype, etc…

We are basically in hibernation mode until there is new info to post.

count me in for one.

Oh good ..i live near Fruition ...

shipping should be fast

:smiley:/\ … :+1:


Does anyone know if there is an estimated price?


$30 - $36, depending on emitter.

I will, of course, take 1..... :))

Samsung LH351D

Thank You everyone for your work on this project

I’m in for one.