Sofirn Q8 group buy (gb closed, but try PM to Sofirn for discount)

My pleasure my friend!! Yeah, that is a pretty tiny difference for sure. :+1:

Thanks for the comparison beam shot. That really does show the difference. I am loving the beautiful white of the Sofirn!! :+1:

That is great…THANKS AMAZON…

Here is my Unboxing, def a better CW tint then i thought, Sofirn can be a hit and miss.THANKS ALLOT FOR WATCHING

I corrected my original post. :person_facepalming:

Hey… stuff happens. :wink:

I had to double check before I wrote that to make sure I was right. :smiley:
Doubt started creeping in…… :open_mouth: :face_with_monocle:

Nice bro… just need to clean the contact points… amazon shipped out my powerful flashlight… it should arrived on friday. ( one week early )…

In the beginning, I said I wasn’t going to buy one because of the tint. I ordered one anyway, knowing I could flip it to a friend or co-worker if I hated it. Nope! I’m keeping it. I like how much different the hotspot is when I do a side-by-side with my BLF Q8. Great job Sofirn!

My beam shot of the Q8…great performer, sorry these arent the best quality…but i dig the Q8.

Thats great man, i did do that…Fri will be a good day for you.

Im interested in 2 Sofirn Q8s from Aliexpress in Australia if i can still get in on this Group Buy ??

Brett, you may be a bit late for the group buy, should still be able to get them for a decent price though, shoot Sofirn a PM on here and ask them if you can get two at the group buy price, see if they can help you out. They make it pretty easy typically…


I am interested in this light.

The OP should put Group Buy Closed…

DB Custom Wrote:

Brett, you may be a bit late for the group buy, should still be able to get them for a decent price though, shoot Sofirn a PM on here and ask them if you can get two at the group buy price, see if they can help you out. They make it pretty easy typically…

DB Custom, that sounds good but "Where" can i find them on here to PM them ? ?

PM Sofirn. That’s their BLF name, Sofirn. Tracey is who I’ve spoken with in the past, don’t know for sure who’s monitoring the forum.

For the record, my Q8 with XP-L2’s and Samsung 25S cells is pulling 33.8A at the emitters. :wink:

DB Custom, Yea that sounds easy enough but as stupid as this may sound i just don't know where or how to find Sofirn on here to pm them.Not use to how to use this forum yet so any help would be appreciated like a link to them or something ?

Thank you..

Send a PM to BLF member Sofirn, just like if I was sending you a PM I’d send a message to Brett. Sofirn is their user name here.

Oh Good Lord! I’ve passed 18,000 posts and didn’t even realize it! Guess I have to give something away huh?

Just click this link. Sofirn PM.