Interested depending on price.


No xpl hi?

It would be more interesting Utorch C8F+ 6*XP-L or 7*XP-L or (6/7)*XP-L HI or (6/7)*XP-G2 :partying_face:

Interested depending on final price

Count me in for 2, I have a Sofirn branded light but I will take a couple more. This light should be pretty economical with a group buy.

Interested depended on price!

Should be the same. I will double check with GB.



Interested depending on price.


Interested depending on price

I recommend you guys buy the Sofirn version. Sofirn just found the issue with their driver that caused it to under perform. My 21700 version makes even less lumens than the 18650 version. Sofirn is sending out free replacement drivers to those who bought the 21700 C8F with the bad drivers. This clone version is still using the old driver so should be making 1,000 lumens less than the Sofirn fixed version. Besides we should support Sofirn for coming up with this excellent design and listening to the BLF for suggestions.

Maybe we can have a Sofirn C8F group buy.

Does it comes with 21700 battery?


I am interested

You are correct. Sofirn is doing a great job communicating with BLF members and developing innovative lights. I have no problem supporting Sofirn and hope they keep building products that are worthy, like the Sofirn Q8. Thanks for the update on the 21700 C8F.

interested depending on price.

thank you
