TK's Emisar D4 review

To add to the list of possible reasons a light would fail to respond to clicks and exit turbo mode, my friends D4 did the same thing after I accidentally popped off the R5 and R4 resistors while disassembling for an Anduril flash. We managed to get R5 back on, and we thought we got R4 back on as well, but it only looked like a good connection, actually it was open circuit.

With R4 essentially unpopulated, the light seemed to run fine, except it would not enter any strobe modes, and once you entered turbo, the only way to exit was to disconnect power. Very strange. According to zeroflow, ā€œR4: MOSFET current-limitā€. So this would seem to make sense?
Who knows. I fixed the connection properly and itā€™s back to normal now. Just thought Iā€™d chime in with my experience.

Well, i couldnt find. But were there any torx screw? U sure remember!

d4buyer. Ok? Cant remember password.
unintended connection somewhere, allowing power to bypass the driver entirely. - how is it easy to fix? I am just an office worker, so i am trying to get answer, as hank is silent for over two months. Just got tired of nokia as a light.

ā€œjust an office workerā€, we all started somewhere, the first step is to realize you arenā€™t ā€œjustā€ anythingā€¦ your potential is unlimited. :wink:

Its good but no time

Tint mixing is so hot right now :sunglasses:

SST20 3000K and 4000K both 90+CRI

Ooh nice! Iā€™ve been thinking of doing this, but with 3 4000k nichias, and one 3000k Nichia, just to bring it down a little. Thoughts?

Yeah, nice. Do you like it X3? I really like this sst-20s. I was thinking of 2 3000k and a 4000k if the FW3A is ready someday.

Seems to me it was ToyKeeper that started the tint mixing thing with her Terminator. :wink:

I also did it years ago with a ridiculous Quad XHP-50 set up in a Lucky Sun D80. Very neat look, had to keep it reduced using 2 18350ā€™s as with 2 18650ā€™s itā€™d make the light too hot to hold in mere seconds.

This bothers my OCD :laughing:

Itā€™s nice and even though! Lol I like it

This was one mighty fine little light. Got mine today and Iā€™ve played some with it. Only problem I see is that it ramps very quickly down from high levels since it get hot.

I also read a thread on laser forum where a guy got a 1watt laser into his eye and got permanent damage. This sounds really scary and I got to think of dangers with powerful flashlights like this and kids. Is it safe to let my kiddo use this? Sheā€™s 4 and really liked this little light, told here to not touch the button on it and use it at the level I set for now and Iā€™m watching all the time. Am I paranoid?

No you shouldnā€™t give this light to kids. My daughter is 7 and is not allowed to play with my D4 and other hot rods.

I wouldnā€™t leave this light with my coworkers. There worse than kids.

Its the right size for a kid but has grandpa power. Must be respected.

My nephew is 4 and is not allowed to touch my D4. His father does not let him touch his D4 either. He has his own little AA LED light that he uses and feels like itā€™s the same as ours.

Too much potential damage to skin, eyes, furniture, etc, in my humble opinion.

I would do 2+2, I doubt that you would see a difference with only one 3000K in the herd.

I love it, SST20 have a small die so you gain some throw compared with 219C or worse, LH351D.
Iā€™ve tested both, and the SST20 are my favorites, because of the gain in throw.
The tint mix is really nice, but I already like both tints so itā€™s not really a surprise :slight_smile:

Probably not. If she is an exceptionally cautious child, then maybeā€¦ but that would be pretty rare. Many adults canā€™t even use a D4 safely.

Start with something safer, and let her work her way up to more powerful items as she demonstrates she is responsible enough to use them.

Hmm, maybe not. I think Iā€™m gonna try it though, mostly because I only have four Nichias to my name, 3 4000ks and a 3000k. Thereā€™s a fourth 4000k in my buddies H03 that Iā€™m gonna swap for a LH351D next time I see him, but that wonā€™t be for several weeks. I really want a nichia D4, the D4 was my first light that I got before I knew what tint I wanted, so itā€™s a 6500k xpl-hi, no gracias lol.

Will do that :slight_smile: Would a convoy s2 be weak enough? It needs to use rechargeable batteries and I have lots of 18650 around.

Is there more info about eye damage from powerful flashlights around here?

Some degree of trust is required, of course. People canā€™t even go outside without being exposed to something dangerous. I mean, some kids stare at the sun just because they can. So this is really something you have to determine on your own, based on how trustworthy your child is.

Almost any LED can cause eye damage if itā€™s running at more than a few milliamps. Staring at a modern LED is a lot like staring at the sun. And almost any battery can start a fire if the user shorts it to itself or something. So I canā€™t really say any flashlight is 100% safe.

A S2+ with a 3x7135 driver (or, even better, 1x7135 driver) is a lot harder to cause damage with. However, Iā€™d suggest going even smaller if possible. Maybe something with a single AA or AAA Eneloop battery at first.

OTOH, a parentā€™s job isnā€™t to protect their child from the world, but rather, to help their child explore the world. If they make a mistake and start a fire or hurt themselves or something, itā€™s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the damage isnā€™t permanent. It may help them learn caution. Making mistakes is one of the fastest ways to learn, as long as the mistakes arenā€™t too big to recover from.

TL;DR: It really depends on what kind of person your child is.