Fireflies ROT66 Flashlight

Some people like to have the ramp stop before max output. You can configure it to ramp up to max if you prefer that.

I don’t have an Anduril light yet, so I can’t help you through the steps of configuring it. Maybe someone here knows and can describe the process.

See above post, I now have both Anduril and NarsilM. I see the diagram on how to use Anduril but my brain needs time to decipher it. I like the idea of configuring it, that is a nice bonus.

The Anduril one flickers on the lowest ramp whereas NarsilM does not. Maybe NarsilM can manage the lowest output better, but the flicker on the lowest output is not a big deal for me with Anduril.

It looks like it requires the light to be on, then you do 4 fast clicks to get into the Ramp Config. After that I’m lost. Lol

I’m not sure what the flickering is about. Maybe the lowest level is a little bit too low?

LOL. I get lost in that diagram too. I'm sure there is pure logic to it all but I have not found it as of yet. I'm assuming "click N times for level N" in "floor" probably means to click and stop wherever I want the lowest ramp setting to be. Will try again in the morning during my coffee pause when my brain is all fired up again.

I compared the lows from both flashlights and they both seem to be equally dimly lit. Maybe the flicker is just part of Anduril on such a low setting.

I cannot pick based on capacity. Anything wider than 18.1mm won’t fit in the battery tube, it’s very tight, and I own three ROT66. I need to use my Sony VTC5 which are 18.1mm max width.

Did you read the posts from a few days ago about how the battery carrier needed to be adjusted in order to get the batteries closer together? Maybe you have this same issue?

Turn light on

Click 4 times fast

Light will blink once then pulse

During the pulse Click 2 or 3 times here to set a new higher floor

Yeah by default the Anduril UI shipping with the Fireflies seems to ramp up to the maximum regulated ouptut, which caught me off guard as well. When the light is on, you can double click to get to max output.

The lowest output on my Anduril using SST20s flicker a litlte bit too. None of my Narsil ones flickered.

Anduril sucks. Luckily mine are all Narsil. Tightening the carriers solved my switching off issues btw.

My review. Took ages….

Anduril doesn’t do it on every model of light; although it seems that at least one version does on this one. It’s not hard to prevent for normal use; just set a ramp floor of 3. I haven’t done that, because the lower floor, even with a flicker, is very low indeed.

Try this video:


From on, click 4 times, it will flash once, then begin fluttering. You want to click the number of levels (1-150 steps, ignore that the video says 250 steps) that you want the floor and then don’t do anything for about 2 seconds. So probably click it 1 (lowest level) to maybe 3 times. This will set the floor or moonlight to 1 of 150, 2 of 150, 3 of 150 etc…

Then it will blick twice and begin fluttering again. Now you can set the ceiling. It starts at the highest 150 and you can click the number of steps LESS you want. If you want the ceiling at step 130 of 150 you will click 20 times. Click once to stay at 150.

After not doing anything for a few seconds it should blink 3 times and begin fluttering again. Now you click the number of “stepped” levels you want, such as 3 or maybe 6, etc… After not doing anything for 2 seconds it leaves the Config mode.

The ceiling is max - clicks + 1 so max is 1 click IIRC. Meaning 0 leaves it as it is.

This is a bit confusing. So you’re saying in order to set the ceiling to the maximum level he needs to click one time, correct?

I guess that’s why the ceiling diagram says 1+Turbo-N. It needs at least 1 click to recognize a selection was made.

Yeah I config’d mine to 3 clicks on ramp floor. Solved the flicker issue, and I think the 3 click floor is a more usable low than the lowest anyways.

I know in Narsil that if you set moonlight too low it might not turn on at all. At such extreme low currents the leds can act funny.

You would think someone that reviews flashlights would at least give a reason for such a statement but alas I am not surprised. Wont be viewing this one either because of the way you present yourself on the forum.

Anduril does by default, at least the latest builds Toykeeper has described, have the ramp ceiling set to a lower level - for the ROT66 builds, I think she said the maximum regulated level, so it will be lower for the 219B version than the others.

I suppose whether that’s desired is personal preference, but fortunately, it’s configurable.

The flickering on minimum mode is most likely a combination of how specific 7135’s and specific emitter copies work together. They have a minimum where they don’t function consistently, which has been known about on BLF for years. Some samples are bound to just have a slightly higher minimum threshold and need the floor set higher.

I’m pretty sure location has nothing to do with it.

I haven’t disliked or even clicked it so if you see several I guess that is a heads up that I may not be the only one with this view. I could care less where you are from and would stand up for you in that regard. Some of the best contributors on this forum are from Europe and I absolutely support them. You just come across as very arrogant. I could even look past that (see Tom Tom) if your posts were occasionally well written, educated and informed but they tend not to be so here we are.

…not my fault you all can’t get Stevin John tunes out of your heads