Future development of the maximum luminance of LEDs

Ordered 5! Sending them to Vinh.

So hypothetically, how would this compare to the Black Flat? From my understanding it’s 1000 lumens vs 800 lumens with same die area?

Blackie did 937 lm on a bench, this does 980 on a different setup. So it may be actually worse, but more likely it’s a bit better. Don’t expect big gains though.

That’s too bad. Can’t wait for the Boost though.

Just bought 5 of them :slight_smile:

Looking forward to seeing the CULPM1.TG (Boost HX) in the future!

Thanks, Ledpower.

Looks linearly roughly about a 14% more candela efficient LED per amp.

Neven, i don’t see any mention of colour temperature of this TG.

[edit]ordered 3 pcs anyway. :beer:

Probably 6500K as usual, just like the black flat.
You can check the datasheet for the cct and that kinda stuff.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I ordered 3 but wonder how to actually drive them properly. To add on top of this, I’d like to run them in a 15mm host. I guess 5x7135 is my only option since FET kills it instantly?

@led4power just sent you an order change request, didn’t see the reflowed versions somehow. :smiley:

The CIE coordinates for the ebxD46 bin translate to ~5800-6300K.

You could get the LD2 driver from Convoy store or Fasttech.
All parts on 1 side, 3 modes 3 Amperes CC FET driver.
Resistor mod possible, drive this Osram at 4 - 5 Amperes.


this one?

Yeah, they give the chromaticity coordinates but i’m not able to look up what it means in Kelvin.
(on my phone in France a.t.m.)
It’s probably cool white…

No, this one:

Hey guys!

Yes… I am happy(well if I consider I am not that happy but this is life) to announce that Good old XP-G2 S4 2B is beaten!

So real life test was done with same flashlight in direct comparison with XP-G2 S4 2B dedomt (picked) vs new Osram non picked…

Test showed that at only 3.3-3.5A draw it had same performance as g2s42bdd at 4.8A (yes you heard that right). So if someone goals for runtime just bring old forgotten linear drivers in function with new Osram emitter for a lot longer runtime then we are used to :+1:

I would not hesitate to use it on single cell FET drivers also… Yes… But only with low current cells like LG BD118650(tested on that one) or those Panasonic or Sanyo GA.

It will pull around 5.5A on low current 18650 and more than 7.15 on Samsung 30q so beware since it starts to loose performance on more than 6A.

It is robust… I tortured it for 2 minutes with Samsung INR 30Q on more than 7A current draw… It does not go to angry blue or something like that. Acts normal but with lux drop…

You will like it, although some may have problem with re flowing cause it is not perfect fit to XP board but since L4P have reflowed versions on his DTP’s you can just order plug and play product :slight_smile:

BTW did I said that L4P DTP is better than Noctigon on single cell FET driver lights? Yes it is! Constant 4.7-4.8A performance for XPG2S42B DD while on noc same emitter pulls “only” 4.3, 4.4A… But only in that configuration… In any other they could perform same.

This are test in well known hosts:
Brinyte B158 430kcd!
Mitkos super thrower 430 kcd!
Copyfire 50mm glass aspherical lights 300kcd!

What to say now? :question: Oh yes… Bye bye Cree try to beat that :smiley:

Oh to add something here: De doming… De doming? What a F is de doming? De doming bye bye :slight_smile:

Oh I am not really that happy as I sound… Time when you needed dedoming skills, emitter cleaning skills and any other necessary skills are pretty much gone :frowning: even kid could make super throwers with this emitter so that maybe means game over for some diy moddersellers like myself?

The original XP-G2 was beaten by the black flat like years ago…
This isn’t really news :slight_smile:

Black flat sucks if I compare it to XP-G2 cause you had to pick 1 out of 5 or 10 to beat s42b if I remember right… But it seems that with new little Osram guy we can only expect greater performance than on my redneck test :beer:

And most important:
“The biggest difference compared to BLACK FLAT is thermal pad, which is ELECTRICALLY NEUTRAL, this means you can use this LED with any standard XP DTP boards – there is no need for LED PCB/driver GND isolation!”

I bought 10 but only ended up testing two and picked the better one.
If you’re driving it hard enough it will always beat the XP-G2.

The improvement that the CSLNM1.TG brings is no cut corner and neutral thermal pad and slightly better performance, but the black flat was still better than any other LED years ago.


I can only agree that I disagree with you… But hey! Ok if you think that Black Flat was better than XPG2S42B DD… But not in my book and in my modds.

Black Flat and s42b is past anyway and they are screaming for swap with new Osram …. something emitter(ah yes CSLNM1.TG for god sake :slight_smile: )

Osram white flat?

Boost HX is it’s short name I think.

No, that one is the CULPM1.TG, it is bigger and outputs more lumens.
Unfortunately it is not available yet, only recently been announced.