(BLF) Sofirn Q8 V1.5: The XPL HI monster, DIY parts + Extended 8x18650 tubes GB Interest List

Like i said, the light was not being used. So i’m pretty sure the internal temp is equal to the room temperature. I know how to switch to thermal stepdown, but i don’t want to use it. Just want to check the temperature that’s all, weird hobby right? :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds like you have been lucky. I have seen identical lights report temperatures 20 C apart. The firmware’s default value is intentionally toward the safe end of that scale, since it’s typically better for some lights to step down early than for some lights to step down too late.

Anyway, with a range of perhaps 25 C variation from one light to another, it’s useful to have a calibration function. Aside from improving safety and consistency, it also makes the temperature check function sort of useful as a thermometer.

So guys and gals, Sofirn has told me that they’ll soon start shipping the extended battery tubes for the Q8, along with carriers which will hopefully have, as they said before, upgraded springs.

Got this link from Barry yesterday, lego-fun with battery tubes :party:

yup, 70cm torch for walking the dog

any word on battery tubes?

Battery tubes is ready to manufacture for BLF Q8, but a group buy interest list will help.

Oh OK then.

Perfect. I’ll perhaps be in line to buy one.



Ok then. Since I’m free this evening, perhaps I should start a group buy thread list for this extended tube/light.

Or I’ll just repurpose this thread for both info about the Q8 V1.5 and the extended battery tube GB.

I would def be in for the one of the Extended battery tubes and carriers!

I can see no need or reason for this so put me down for one :smiling_imp:


The BLF Q8 and Sofirn Q8 extended 8x18650 tubes have started to be manufactured.

I will be starting a group buy interest list to gauge interest and how many tubes you want so Sofirn can produce the right amount of carriers and tubes necessary.

BlueSwordM has been added to the list for +1

Fate0n3 has been added to the list for +1

Sillen has been added to the list +1

Add me but wouldnt you need at least 2 tubes to make 8 batteries? It replaces the existing one?

They are probably going to send an extended tube with threads that can be turned on the normal tube+2 carriers.

TLDR: 1 tube that threads on the existing one+ 2 carriers hopefully.

contactr has been added to the list +1

Edit: Not so sure about that anymore.

This is what I was going to ask if these will be sold as an almost “Kit” such as 2ea tubes and 2ea battery carriers to make this work or if we need to purchase 2ea of each. If that make sense lol

Can the BLF Q8 original tube be used with a carrier it looks like it is machined tube? Sheesh this is gonna make me buy the new Sofrin edition also now so I can have a light each way… lol

Yes. That’s why this took some time for Sofirn to manufacture them.

They’ve had to make special battery carries that work like in the BLF GT, and make an additionnal tube that threads on the original one.

That would mean you can just remove the tailcap, screw on the new tube, put in the carriers with the cells, and screw down the tailcap onto the new tube, and voila! 8x18650 Q8.

Edit: Not so sure on that aspect anymore. I’m waiting for Sofirn to respond on that.

Thank you big time kind sir for the response!!! That is awesome and great news. One last question for us looking to purchase is to ask if we will be required to run Button top cells? not that is a deal breaker just so that all of us interested know and make sure we have button top cells ready to go for this.

Uh… The “original” BLF Q8 tubes were quad bored pretty tightly in order to be able to load a single cell (or two or three cells) and have it (them) stay in position. I’m fairly certain there’s no spare room for a carrier, unless it is simply two PCBs and a center bolt! :open_mouth: Can we get a picture of the carrier? :innocent: