(BLF) Sofirn Q8 V1.5: The XPL HI monster, DIY parts + Extended 8x18650 tubes GB Interest List

Uhh, yes obviously.

Where otherwise would they sell it ? :wink:

In fer 1. Price dependent.

Dirt +1

BlueswordM you going to keep the interest list in this thread or make another one?

You take off the stock battery tube and put it in the closet. Then buy two new tubes and two carriers. Then you can use 8 batteries in it.
Correct BSM?

A single blast of turbo should last about the same amount of time as it does now, or maybe a bit less, before the thermal protection reduces output. It might be a bit brighter, but not much.

Total run time basically doubles when you double the number of batteries.


1. Yes. Put it in the closet.

2. Yes, same turbo runtime, but if you can keep the light cool, you will get at least 50% more runtime.

3. Not exactly with a FET light. Since you basically halve the resistance of your battery setup, that means the light will be capable of pulling more power, and therefore, less max power runtime on unregulated mode.

Bonus points: With an extension tube, you can now get the same power output as with 4x20A cells with 8x10A cells, meaning you can use higher capacity cells like the NCR18650GA and Samsung 35E/36G to get 10-15% more capacity on average, which is non-negligible.

If you keep the light cool you can more than double turbo run time, even using 4 batteries. It’s hard to keep it cool, though. :wink:

You don’t really halve the resistance of the batteries by using 2 carriers. Texas_Ace saw this when using two carriers in the GT. You add a little resistance back into the circuit from the contacts between the carriers as well as having more battery springs.

So you get less resistance overall, but it’s not exactly cut in half.

We still need to see how good the contacts are between the carriers.

So please, tell me what are the real benefits of the 8x18650 configuration compared to 4x18650?

Longer run times and ease of converting voltage to 6v or 12v for custom emitters.

  1. extended runtime
  2. it looks extreme, especially with even more extensions added :smiley:
  3. if you are a modder, the battery carrier situation makes it somewhat easier to convert the Q8 for 6V leds (together with a different driver)

The output will not change dramatically with 8x18650.

You could have started and ended with this one, you sold me on it with the one line lol

People that want a baseball bat assault light finally have a good option.

I am interested in getting two tubes with their corresponding carriers, also wondering if the thread pitch might happen to match the Fenix TK75 extension tubes? (shot in the dark, that one)

FWIW, Richard makes a 4S carrier that fits the Fenix TK75/TK61 lights. Just saying.


I am interested in getting two extensions tubes + two carriers for my Sofirn Q8!


I know, I know, but I’m so dang forgetful!

What was I planning to do with these XHP-50.2’s I got in the mail the other day? They were for the Q8, I am pretty sure, but I forget just what the plan was? Did I say anything about this here? (truly sucks, having a fish net memory)

[something in the back of my mind pushed me to order a 4S carrier from Richard, this applies here, yes?]

interested in BLF Q8 tube. One set.

So… 4S conversion, using (at least) two tubes for more power, XHP50.2 emitters, in a Sofirn Q8? Are you going to use a Lexel driver? Or a L4P driver? Other?

DB Custom +2

Kasperrr +1?

Nguyen +1

@Kasperr, do you mean 1x extension sets(2 tubes+2 carriers) or 2x extension sets(4 tubes+4 carriers)?

@Dale, what kind of danger of society are you thinking to build with an 16 cell Q8?

It’s obviously not a 3V setup. You’d blow the LEDs and traces everywhere if you tried something that way, even with Luxeon MZs.

A 6V setup would be good, but still way too much current for the XHP50.2s, since XHP50.2s are more fiddly than the XHP70.2

A 12V setup with 4xXHP 70.2s would work well, although you’d be at the limit for the LEDs if each is paired with 4x18650s BeCu spring bypassed carriers. And at the limit to create a fission reactor lol.

However, the Q8s design is extremely good compared to something like a Haikelite MT09R.

It has much better finning, meaning active cooling works quite well actually, and can be easily modded for more heat sinking potential.

I could see a 12v buck driver working well with 4 x xhp50.2.

Now a xhp70.2 mcpcb would be sweet as you could use a FET driver, but I don’t think anyone makes one. You might have to use 4 seperate mcpcb.