[08-Mar-2012] New SPAM mitigation scheme in place

Way to go everybody!

Thank you

What those other folks said, then + 1!

Thank you mr Admin!

OK, no where I'm I going to get the latest info on the fine line of Genuine Authentic replica knock-off Gucci products?

I'm also going to really miss all the mention of "Paisley ".

SB, thanks again for all of your efforts and making this such an excellent forum! BLF rocks.



Many thanks to everybody for their kind words! It's a pleasure to be here with you guys.

Good stuff sb56637. At times you probably have a pretty thankless job. Your welcome to go back to your travelling now. Its also a pleasure to have you as our admin. Cheers. 1 hour to go and its a long weekend here in Vic Aus. Yippee.







This is great. Thanks for the hard work.

Jack, I have a feeling those will see use from time to time.


Does that gravedigger function really work ? I mean the re-burying of spammed threads. For example this thread has a post from 02/05/2012 at the end. Therefore it shouldn't be on starting page 2 between posts from 03/09/201.

Most of the time it works... but as you have pointed out the system isn't perfect. I think it would be okay to bump any of the threads that got buried.

If there is a general glitch, the starting pages can easily become useless... even with that spam protection in place. It would be interesting to know under which circumstances it works and under which it doesn't.

I think the way it works is that thread dates only get reset when Mr. Admin deletes the user rather than when they get blocked by Mark as Spam votes.

I think so too. But quick user moderation stops it from affecting hundreds of posts and instead is just a few scattered posts.

SPAM attack this morning at around 6:45 am (Central Standard US) lasted just a couple of minutes before we smoked the Spammer. Before I could look at the name to post here, posts were gone. I only had to mark about 10 posts. Seems to be working pretty effectively.

That was fun! I only had to mark about 5.

Yeah took a break from posting for a few minutes to go Spam hunting - success!