Sofirn Q8 deal & holster/diffuser giveaway


What about the new C8F?

I can’t wait for a no-switch tailcap, though. With it, it’s more “tactical” (set the mode, instant on/off when you want it), but a more direct route vs through a switch would decrease total resistance quite a bit, I’d imagine.

You could check if there is much difference by shorting the tail with a bit of wire soldered on the top of the spring, the other end clamped under the retaining ring.


Yes that’d be good. But I reckon we need to update the head, Make it more modern
up to date as the C8+ is.
Personally I’d rather be modding the C8+ with the triple and practice drivers to suit.
That model blends with the L models quite nicely style wise.
Most of us have multiple C8’s now 4 or 5 for me plus the starter, 1 x C8+ and another on way with updated single 70.2 Cree.
I’d love a triple XPL-Hi with 26650 cell and no tail sw in the C8+ in true sand.

Convoy L6. L2. C8+. Sofurn C8T. and my S41. Plus a coupla three EDC small ones.
You must admit. they and Sofurn make very good quality. reliable, cheap torches.
Not many can touch them so far in the cheap range.

All the others in cupoard are the “getting there” practice torches hey.


I’m looking for mini soda can size light in the 3500 lm range, good throw and preferably good heat sinking for sustained output.
Contenders: Nightwatch Avaritia NA40; Pros: USB C charging, dual FET design. Cons: Battery type critical (may fry SST 40), unknown UI
JKK03 (Kaidomain); Pros: good size, not timed turbo stepdown, 10 Ah power bank. Cons: Hi > Med > Lo, long press off.

I’ll be flipping mine in the used section…
Looking for something compact in this format…

Sofirn C8F

really? I have a sofirn 21700 4000mAh battery and it is too long for my lii-500

The Sofirn 4000mAh 21700 is a wee bit too long to fit in the Lii-500, however an iJoy 3750mAh 21700 will fit just exactly on the Lii-500.

I just used my Folomov A1 (magnetic thingies) to charge my 21700 when I was at work and my new C8F arrived. :laughing:

+1 !

Me too, I want 26650 C8A/C8F !

I just ordered on on Amazon using my discount. If one comes out with a 22650 I’d get that too. Lol


Once it’s too thick to comfortably fit in a pants pocket, it may as well be as thick as the old D cell flashlights. I don’t see the point in anything between 18xxx and 26xxx either.

I have the JKK03; It has mode memory and can be switched off from any level with long pressure.
Other: the crown is compatible with that of the C8, at least with that in SS; I put the one in the SS, it screws well and remains only a “step” of about seven tenths of a millimeter between steel and aluminum. Then I put her back because I like it original

Did anyone else’s Sofirn C8F v2.0 kit come with an 18650 charger? The 21700 battery that it comes with doesn’t fit in that.

I have two of the little single cell Sofirn chargers. One came with my C8F and one came with my SP3. Both chargers are exactly the same and both will hold my Sofirn 21700 and my Shockli 21700 just fine.
The bottom of the charger Says- Li-Poly Charger, USB lithium battery charger for 26650, 18650, 16340, 14500, 10440 lithium battery.
I can insert the 21700 cell with about 2mm space to spare.

I’ll be darned. Lol. You’re right. Thanks for clarifying!! The charger it comes with does fit the Sofirn 4000 mah 21700 battery.
What that single cell charger does NOT fit is the Acebeam 5100 mah 21700 button top battery.

Hmm, fits perfectly for me.

This could be a nice light for a powerful fully regulated and efficient boost driver with tiny sense voltage/resistor and massive inductor/caps powering 3S emitters. Yes, I am different. I like to have full blast on tap from start to end of battery discharge.

FET +7135 sheeesh!

Cheers :-)

Build it and they will come :+1: …….out of the corn…or where ever…. :smiley: