*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

I just got the last batch from that eBay seller :smiley:

You just need to buy the right tint bin. The 6U is a really nice tint bin. No green at all.

Djozz and DBSAR, if you want, I can mail you a few pieces to test.

You’re right, it’s gone. The link now leads to a similar but inferior product. For the lantern project if interested, Sofirn can contact the Ebay seller or maybe even Oslon directly to see if they can source more of the 6U tint with MQ flux bin.

That would be great to test for the BLF lantern project. (as were discovering the Samsung 351 series is harder to order apparently that the manufacturer was telling us, and need to find a good replacement LED type that has good efficiency & tints for lantern use. (send me a DM for more info)

Love the idea and truly appreciate all the hard work that went into the project.
Wish I was 1/10 as handy or useful…
Darn it, I think me wants one, why? just because…how much?

Interested if its compatible with the BLF Q8.

Perhaps the battery tube, but probably the rest will be different. Just what kind of “compatible” are you looking for? I think since there’s now such a thing as extension tubes for the Sofirn Q8, it would be nice if the tube of this light were made compatible with those. The “stock” Sofirn Q8 battery tube won’t work to be extended. So it must be replaced in order to add the extension. Therefore, the “extension set” includes two tubes and two battery holders. If this lantern’s battery tube were to be already made like the “replacement” tube, then just a single extension tube and battery holder would need to be bought for it if someone wanted to extend it. :wink:

Interest list update:

1111 DT101
1112 Ferminator
1113 Kuato
1114 whatthewillus
1115 jmike
1116 Tomogchi
1117 Tomogchi
1118 brasilchris
1119 AguassissiM
1120 Doctawho

AguassissiM, no firm price yet, likely around $40. I think I may have provided lower estimates in earlier posts but the reality my SWAG is based on something I read in this thread a long time ago. Sofirn has not provided any sort of price estimate at this time.

Doctawho, not exactly sure what sort of compatibility you are looking for, but the design is leveraged heavily off the Q8. Put you on the interest list, it is not a committment to buy, just trying to gauge roughly how many lights will sell out the get go for Sofirn.

interest list sorted by entry number

interest list sorted by user names

OP list updated :slight_smile:

Great because this means that the nichia optisolis can be considered as a candidate…a true ultimate lantern should use those LEDs or equivalent.

Thank you for quick response, much appreciated.

Interested. Please put me down for one.

FYI, Digikey does have the LH351D in 2700K and 5000K.

But they can only be ordered in quarter bins (can’t choose between above or below BBL), as far as I know.

I am interested in one.

Thanks for all the work so far.

Is there anything that an enterprising community member can do to help this project along?

Not that I’m aware of. At the moment, I think we’re mostly waiting on Barry&co to build and test Lexel’s driver design. I also have some firmware updates I could make, but I’ve been trying to finish other stuff first.

Curious …. just how long has “the ball” been in Barry&co court? An update(even if it is not about the lantern) telling us what is going on would be nice. Anything indicating the project is actually moving forward.

I think Barry got the files just a few days ago. I’m not sure how long it takes to print the circuit boards and get all the components, but it’s probably faster than ordering from Oshpark.

I must admit I haven’t followed the project very closely beyond what is needed for firmware. I’ve been kind of enjoying not being in charge. I can at least say the project is moving, though. There were some unexpected delays from several hardware updates, but it sounds like it’ll probably go faster now.

:+1: Thanks TK…… Yeah, I was surprised that you ‘seemed’ to have time to deal with interest list …… isnt that a bit below your paygrade?..…it’s above mine :wink:

Add me to the interest list as well. Been watching this for awhile from afar. I need a decent LED lantern, I’ve convinced myself.

Waiting to hear for progress from Barry really. Its going slower than i been hoping, but i don’’t have the BLF project experience or knowledge that the organizers of the GT or Q8 had. Originally we had TheMiller who has much more experience in projects like this helping us, but he went missing in action over a year ago, and i just don’t have his ability or experience to push this project through faster. We have a great team of people working on the driver & helping with the list and other things including ToyKeeper, Lexel, SBslider, BlueSword, Bmengineer, and with Barry of Sofirn on the team, but my hands are tied on to know exactly of the things needed to get it rolling smoother. All i know of right now is waiting for the driver to be developed at the factory and waiting for updates from Barry, and try to provide him with anything he needs to the best of my abilities & what spare time i have.