Vapcell flashlight batteries giveaway to celebrate the Approaching 2019 New Year !!!

Im in!

I use Eneloops, Samsung 30Q and Panasonic NCRB, and some old red Sanyo 2400/2600.

And some Efest 18350.

18650 Sony VTC6 / Samsung 30Q/35E
26650 LiitoKala Lii-50A

Thanks for the GAW :beer:

Currently using Samsung 30Q, Keeppower 26650 & Sony VTC6.

Would love the 21700’s to fit orders coming soon.

My main batteries are the Sanyo NCR18650GA and AA eneloop.

Also use the Shockli 26650 5500mah and Vapcell 18350 1100mah.

Happy holidays.

Thanks Vapcell !

Currently running mostly protected EVVA 18650's with a couple of protected Tenergy 18650's thrown in. A few onesie 18650's from the likes of Sofirn, Nitecore etc. that were included with light purchases. Don't know the underlying host cells of any of them offhand.

NiMh exclusively in my AA lights.

I have not purchased any 21700 lights, 'cause trying to avoid format creep. A win of a 21700 would get me off the fence, though.

I am currently using samsung 30q and sony vtc5a in a
c8f. I would like to try the 18650s if fortunate enough to be selected.

Currently using all major brands and also some vapcell 18650 and 21700. Would like to try your 18350.

Using mostly Samsung 35E and 30Q, with a few Sanyo GA and Soshines thrown in.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am using 30q’s for most of my lights. I use the 14500 Vapcell a for my Nitecore mt10a. I use liitokala black for my 26650 lights.

I need 18350’s to try my emisar D4. It’s hard getting batteries to Canada, I’m lucky I have what I have right now.

Thanks for the Giveaway

Currently using:
Windyfire 650mah 14500s
Keeppower 840mah 14500s
Windyfire 700mah 18350s
Samsung 30Q 3000mah 18650s
LG MJ1 3500mah 18650s
Sanyo GA 3500mah 18650s
Keeppower 5200mah 26650s

Thanks for the giveaway!

samsung 30Q and sanyo NCR18650GA

Thanks for the giveaway, Vapcell & Feyate!

My best cells are Panasonic Sanyo NCR18650GA's.

I currently use:
-Sony 18650 VTC6
-Samsung 30q
-LiitoKala Lii-35A
-LiitoKala Lii-50A
-Panasonic NCR18650B
-Sofirn 21700 4000mAh

I would like to try the Vapcell 21700 4500 mAh 20A
Thanks and Merry Christmas

Normally using the Samsungs 25R,experimenting with 21700 at the moment, thank you!

I use currently

- Samsung 30Q

- Shockli 5500

  • Aspire 1300

no 14500 at the moment

I currently use Samsung 30Q, Sony VTC6, Panasonic NCR18650B, and a few Shockli, Keeppower, Golisi.

If I am lucky, I will try my first Vapcell INR21700 / 4500mAh in 2019 :beer:

Thanks for the GAW!

Samsung, Sofirn, AW, Enova, Soshine, EVVA, DeWorld [Radio Shack], computer battery salvage, and more

I am currently using Samsung 25R in my high powered flashlights!

Most of my cells are VCT6’s from vaping, with a few older Keeppower protected cells.

I would like to try your 14500’s

Using. samsung-25r and efest 14500 700mah.

Thanks for give away