【convoy】Golden S3 available now

Will a cool white luminus LED be available for this someday? Or would that be an SST-40?

OK, this is going to be a post which will probably heat up some discussion…

Copper is overrated, brass or aluminium wil do just fine
Especially for a S2+, it doesn’t matter much, since the flashlight is just to small to dissipate the heat very well, so it will gain maybe a couple of seconds in heat transfer.

The power of Convoy is that the quality of your products is always good and the design doesn’t change suddenly, (like what happens with other Chinese sellers, to reduce cost and get a higher profit rate) so all available spare parts always fit. (as is not always the fact with other Chinese sellers)

So, to reduce the price, please only remove knurling and keep using the existing pill, which is good enough.
Please get rid of the 3/5 mode driver and ONLY use biscotti

A smooth S2+, i can live with that.

Zebralight does use knurling on the SC600 handheld models, which are still way smaller then the S2+. Armytek doesn’t even know how to proper assemble their lights so adding knurling is probably too difficult. And objectively a plain tube without knurling will be more slippery in wet conditions then a knurled one, or when used with gloves.

Have you done any testing to compare it? Do you have data to back this up? I timed my copper host S2+ compared to aluminum regular and high mode can be maintained at least twice as long without burning. Output also drops slower when measuring lumens with copper pills compared with brass pills when using triples.

yes ,i have SST40 LED in stock now ,but driver is not ready,yet

I think I misrepresented what I meant.
First of all, I will not reduce the quality of the product. The current knurling is difficult to process, and one third of the products will be scrapped directly.
I don’t meant to make a smooth surface.
I just want to change a style, on the one hand, it will improve the product yield, on the other hand, keep the original feel of grip.
For example, I can change it to the following

Thanks Simon, I’ll check back when driver is ready. Also the new rendition looks very nice!

Is the S2+ Nichia 219C in 5700K 95% CRI too? Or just the 4000K version?

No, the S2+ 219C is only in 90CRI.

Just the SST-20 is available in 95CRI.

Nice! I like it.

Whoops. But that’s also for the 5700K option? And is 90CRI still considered HighCRI? I want to get a glimpse into the HighCRI goodness so many people seem to enjoy - would this be a good specimen?

219C 90CRI ,friend

i have 1000pcs XML2 T6-5A1 and 1000pcs XML2 T6-5D4 in stock now
and anyone interested in XHP35 4000K and 5000K ? i got 2pcs samples

i will upload a video to show the original packing intact goods

Looks good! I like it alot.

How about this kind of knurling?
Can it be done easy?

I really like this look.

In my opinion, I don’t like this style.

Thank you!
:person_facepalming: :smiley:

Interested :slight_smile:

Ok :+1:

I’m also not a fan of the fluted style Zanflare uses, but the grooves you’re suggesting look good.

I like XHP35 lights, but I much prefer XHP35 HI. These are also available in high CRI bins. Which light are you thinking of using these emitters in?

If your having to scrap one third of the products because of the knurling you should definitely remove it!! :+1:

Make it smooth if you want or add grip if you want. I find it hard to believe anyone needs knurling or any type ’grip’ to hold a light this size securly anyway. :person_facepalming: . Does anyone need knurling or grip on a fork when they are feeding themselves?? I think not……. :smiley:

As far as the ‘copper pill’…. as has been stated before it is not necessary or needed at the 3A max current this light is sold with. So why do it? It only adds unnecessary cost with no real benefit.

If someone wants to ‘hotrod’ the light, let them buy their own copper pills if they want them. Hoop, on this forum; sells them…… I bought some.

Or, if you want to sell a host with a copper pill option; be sure to charge the premium price for that ’copper pill’ option. :+1:

I love your lights Simon, keep up the good work!! . :slight_smile: