6. Batch "TA" 1S or 2S Bistro HD OTSM/NarsilM drivers 15-47.5mm size fit, S2+, C8, H03, MF01, MT03, Q8 Clicky or E-switch

I could send DHL Express for about 40€

Well that covers all but one word of my question. Lol. Plan ahead I guess.

Strange that packages from Russia and Croatia come several days sooner then Germany. From a geographic perspective anyways.

Both of my orders have been shorter then I expected.

While I here,

Lexel. If I want to remove some 7135’s from a Skilhunt driver what order??

what do you mean with shorter order, did I miss some parts?

AMCs get the best removed with hot air, or 2 other persons with 2 more soldering irons, guess whats easier,
but with hot air you have to be careful not removing other parts as well including the other side

Lexel, Shipping was shorter(faster) then I expected it to be. I should of said shipping was faster then I expected. You beat orders from China ordered at same time.

Thank You for providing these drivers.

On skilhunt driver I want to remove some 7135s without removing the single channel 7135. I know where the single channel is on the modded drivers you sent. I need to know if the single channel 7135 is in the same place.

just installed in my Q8 a driver from Lexel, great quality and max 7135x15 regulated brightness, also running with anduril!

I also wanted to thank Lexel for all his help when installing the driver!

the usual 21mm for H03 has the single on always on top side
the ones with on down side originate from C8F 21700 design and have it always in that position, but other sizes can be differnt

Any chance you could flash a version Anduril instead of NarsilM?

Its no problem to flash Anduril or Emisar Firmware as the drivers are compatible

Maybe I should have asked “can you sell them already flashed with Anduril or Emisar D4S?” to avoid confusion.

If you can I’d like to order 2x 17mm drivers with Anduril.

Thanks Richard.

hello, am i able to order a 30mm driver for an Convoy L6?

Yes, Lexel will send you a personal message asking you what options you want.

Is there a possibility to tactically use the tail button in the Convoy L6 with Narsil or Andúril as in the Sofirn C8F 21700?


For the initial power on option you can choose two blinks, turbo or nothing.

this is for NarsilM Anduril I dont know how to change that start up

L6 30mm diameter driver, NarsilM 2S either Blink at the tail cap or Turbo at the tail cap?
I’m in for 1. Already PMed you Lexel.


Interested in one L6 NarsilM, PO=turbo.

I have also made a crowdfunding campaign for the new reflow oven as I will not make the drivers more expensive

Hi Lexel, I’d need a 30mm 1S driver for a tail-clicky host (Olight M22).
Bistro UI would be cool