Lumintop GT micro

Take my money! Almost a quarter-mile of throw in such a small light I’m stoked!

If & when you can find out, let us know the CCT of the Neutral White & Cold White please. :beer:

Add one if SST-20 is added; protected battery fitment only.

I have a BLF GT70 and a GT Mini, and both of them were easy to disassemble with strap clamps. I didn’t even need a lot of pressure. Suppose they’ll sort these by glue bins now…

My GT70 had no glue. You were lucky on your particular GT Mini.

Question, what does “NarsilM v1.3 adapted by Texas Ace” mean, exactly….

And the 2.5A Turbo, why 2.5A? The emitter can take over 6A…

Really need the answer to both of those questions…

Good eye Dale. I hope that 2.5A is a misprint or typo. A stock Convoy M1 with an XP-L HI is about 3A out of the box. Of course it does use an 18650… but so what.

Guys, as you might know, the guys at Lumintop just seem to be printing the same BLF GT manual everywhere.

The BLF GT has a turbo mode of 2,5A, but uses a 12V emitter.

The BLF GT Mini usually does 4,5A.

This one should be doing around 3-3,5A no problem.

thats not the final manual ;)

…so what you’re saying(?)…is that whatever manual is ever printed (period)…one cannot ever trust what is put forward due to no past ownership of the problem nor any expectation of…

Sounds like a Trump Admin. negotiation with the world that we’re leaving to our grandkids.

Please take my (2) torches off of the GB buy list (thank you).
My unsolicited advice would be to take back control of these GBs and start demanding ‘standards’ somewhere in these transactions or any respect for BLF/CPF purchasing power will continue its sad decline along with product quality as well.
No slam towards anyone intended here including Lumintop or the promoters yet the flashlight community has come to expect (at a mimimim) ‘a good lie’ about the specs. if nothing else.
Many moons ago, the former used to be demanded well before any money was coughed up or any rush to beat the fakes began in earnest.
Just my $.02 for what it’s worth and (sincere) best wishes for the GB/hope that everybody enjoys their lights.

please PM me the email you submitted with the form and i delete you from the list so you do not get the offer.

the final data will be available for everyone before you send any money
a interest list has no obligation to buy...

In response to Freedom:

As soon as you expect and/or demand things, especially if “respect” is also demanded, you might as well stop dealing with the chinese manufacturers. Find a high quality local manufacturer and pay the Jackpot.

That sounds somber but if you look at what the BLF community, and especially those who have dealt directly with manufacturers, have achieved in the last three years, the cooperation with chinese manufacturers have payed off bigtime: lots of innovative and still affordable flashlights have seen the light of day.

And this was done with limited respect, less with rigid demands than with living with their less than perfect solutions, with expectations followed by disappointments. Asking the same things over and over again until they incorporated at least some of our ideas. Lots of patience and lots of wasted time.

An attitude of “demanding standards” would not have gotten us the nice and still budget flashlights we have now.

I think the interesting thing now is how the GT Micro compares to the BLF X5 / Astrolux S3 since both use 14500 batteries only.

It is the same length and weight, but the reflector diameter is significantly larger: 29mm compared to 23/24mm for the X5, so if you like small+throw, the GTmicro is better. And the user interface is a few generations more advanced.

Expectations and/or demands are already built in to the free enterprise system which is frankly the beauty of it. I have not only respect for but every faith in the fact that that Chinese manufacturers understand this as well or better than their customers. I refuse to single out the Chinese for responding as any other manufacture(s) would given their customer’s refusal to set expectations at any level. These business concepts are no different than freedom itself: When you choose to not teach your kids that their freedom comes at the price of continually demanding improvements from those controlling it then don’t blame those who do.

And my milkman delivered the milk today…so what? Are you saying that buyers and sellers simply ‘interacting’ (minus BLF OWNERSHIP creating the OPPORTUNITY) should somehow earn the next Nobel prize in economics? We’d still be ooohing and aaahing over the crap pushed commercially today if it wasn’t for BLFers (and this will shock/offend many in the snowflake generation) DEMANDING what was finally produced!!! The Chinese kept up with DEMAND not “cooperation” with anybody. Promoters promote for but 2 reasons: They either have a stake in the game or accept none/little by their own choosing. This ism’t Xanadu.

You’re confusing “…Asking the same things over and over again until they incorporated at least some of our idea…” with what they are…demands.
The Chinese understand strength in general on both sides of a business equation let alone any other scenario. To try and convince this forum that they do not or that demanding anything from them is fruitless (see every world leader since 2016) is ludicrous.

Had some of you been around when the very first GBs were in full swing there would be some grain of understanding here. Unfortunately, like everything else connected with our current president slapping our collective faces/attempting to wake everybody up to history proven business realities…we’re either not listening or educationally propagandized to a level which dumbfounds. Heaven forbid that one asks for anything or chooses not to participate due to anything else. It is just not the ‘collective’ way.

Sorry, but somebody had to (finally) say it.

I tend to agree. Sure we want “standards” but that has to be tempered with budget constraints. For sub $30 this surpasses anything of comparable price at the big box stores.

From what I understand there are certain elements not finalized yet. And I can totally understand if we all forked our $29.99 over already with “expectations and standards” but we didn’t do that. So basically a medium sized foreign company is designing a niche product for a few hundred (or thousand) enthusiats with only an “interest list” as collateral. I think it’s a strong gesture on the manufacturer’s part quite frankly.

To nitpick over what is basically a clerical error aeems quite humerous given the low cost… Which hasn’t even been paid yet. Doing contract work myself, I’m always leery of customers who have “demands” yet do not want to give a deposit on a job - just working on “interest” alone? Find a machine shop let alone medium sized manufacturer state-side who does that?

Also as a note to the moderators, I feel i inappropriate, offensive, and unimportant to bring politics into the forum, well, at least here in the General section. I come here to eacape the constant barrage of negativity in the news. One’s affiliation to a particular party or political view should have no place in a discussion about flashlights, especially considering the polarizing effect it has in the current climate.

Or we can create a subforum called “safe space…”

Wow, I did not expect such extensive answers :slight_smile:

@Freedom: your wording is quite a challenge for me as not-native english speaker but we may just have a misunderstanding in how we define “demands” and other words. One thing that I think I extract from your answer and do not agree with: I think that you state that the rules of business is the same always and everywhere but I believe there is a clear cultural bias, especially in China, that strongly affects what products are made and how they are made. So the outcome is not entirely governed by economics, how people or groups of people think and what limits there are in their flexibility have a big influence too.

@LouieAtienza: Yes, I think it is important to realise that we from BLF donate time to projects like these, but no money, the financial risk is always for the manufacturer and therefore so they are entitled to all the final decisions about the product. That time that we spend is important and very valuable for the projects but the beauty is that for us it is completely free time: it is hobby-time and we enjoy doing it.

We probably have a cultural divide as well yet please understand (sincerely) that the Chinese look at business opportunities no differently than the rest of the world and that they will necessarily adapt to what a market demands. BLFers simply no longer demand (period) which is the ideal position to be in no matter how rare.
I would also argue that absolutely EVERYTHING in life is ENTIRELY governed by economics save our faith in Jesus Christ and how we live our lives trusting in his word (imho).
And now back to our regularly scheduled program…. :slight_smile:

Louie, I threw Jesus Christ in there (too) to contradict a factual error before I read your post . :wink:
I also recognize that “safe spaces” became popular around the same time that explaining capitalism to the rest of the world (my post’s intent as well) came under furious attack.
God bless both you and yours. :slight_smile: