(BLF) Sofirn Q8 V1.5: The XPL HI monster, DIY parts + Extended 8x18650 tubes GB Interest List

It seems they are past the design phase, hence the videos of the product. There might still be some tweaking going on. I’m sure they are busy producing flashlights trying to catch up any back orders due to the holidays. We see this every year. Plus we still have the Chinese New Year coming up in February. So if they haven’t done a full production run by early Dec, and I doubt they have, then they might not have time for these new projects until mid Feb. We just have to be patient and see how it goes. Situation normal.

I am in for 2 sets. 4 tubes and 4 carriers

I'm not sure if Sofirn still pursuits the XHP50.2 version of their Q8 when reading this...


Wow, I did not notice the video. I’m in for one set of tubes and battery carriers for the BLF Q8, then. Just need to get me a BLF Q8! :smiley:

Me interesa set de tubo blf q8 18650

Machining wise, the extended tubes is a very easy path to take. They need just a bit thicker aluminum tube stock to accommodate the female end of the tube.

One tube with multiple reflectors is not really an economic alternative. The tube, cap and battery carrier are probably 15% the manufacturing cost of the entire flashlight (without betteries).

A more interesting path would be interchangeable lenses. Just a comment because I don’t know how much or how far it will convert a flodder into a thrower and vice versa.

Has anybody done a thread about how flashlights are made? Particularly bodies? I was in manufacturing and I can assemble some videos and explanations if you guys like that.

As a side note……I was in contact with Sofirn last night. Two words….VERY IMPRESSED with their customer service.

Spartans - the videos sound great! There hasn't been much posted here, if anything, on manufacturing.

There are options for lenses on these lights, but switching from one to the other might be too involved for some. A flip down type, hinged, might be better but it's been done before, sold as options for some lights. You cant improve throw, least I know of, but you could have a coated lens to make it more into a flooder. Many of us here use DC-Fix (https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/35838) as a diffuser to turn a light into a flooder.

That's great to hear about the Sofirn service btw.

I have found my Sofirn lights to be well made and have not had any customer service issues. That said, I can’t really back “customer service” because I was told weeks ago (months ago?) that these extension tubes would be ready in a few days, then next week, and again next week, and here we are, all the promises have been made and I obviously went a long way on a specific modification to the Q8 Just Because Of These Tubes… nothing yet by way of information as to when the tubes will actually happen or if they will.

I too was in contact directly with Sofirn, it was due to this contact that I spent over $200 building the 17 emitter Ham’r. And here I am, waiting on the extensions. I’ve spoken with no less than 3 representatives, have been given assurances it would be “soon” and well, we know how many cells that added to my behemoth…. so yeah, it’s a little difficult to sing customer service praises under the present circumstances. :wink:

Edit: Double checking my PM’s with Sofirn, first contact on this was Oct 28, 2018. Just saying…

I have the impression they are trying to make as many tubes as possible, and start selling them directly after the Chinese New Year.

The New Year will put a damper on things, but still its too bad as many guys on the forum do a lot of work on these type of projects.

There are grander schemes afoot than Q8 extension tubes… it would appear their interest in these wanes.

Barry stated, in post 313 “Hope the tubes coming out soon.” That was two months ago!

And that was his last post here.

Ohh, sorry Blue, noticed I'm not even on the list. Please add me to the list for 2 sets for the BLF Q8, 1 set for the Sofirn Q8. Thanx!

Oh sorry completely forgot to add all of the additional interest.

TheOnlyDocc +1
litenutz +1
Lexel +1
Anthon +1
RD +1
JordanZHP +1
qandeel +1
Tom E +3
dyates +2
cris2pu +1

Please put me in thought I was but didn’t see my name on the tread. +1 & +1 total 2 one each. Thanks

Huh? 1 set? (2 tubes and 2 carriers for 8 batteries)

He’s already been added a while back.

Ahh ok I just couldn’t find it thanks.

Interested 1x

Mine still says +1 at spot #33 on the list. I don’t know how important this list will be when ordering time comes. I want to be clear that I want two sets of tubes for the Sofirn Q8 and in the future, maybe one set for the BLF Q8. Thanks! :smiley: