AstroLux A01 AAA Nichia 219B Review - Winner winner, chicken dinner. An excellent, Neutral tint High CRI LED keychain light!

Strange — on one of the currently sold A01s with the pencil mod done:

I get this pattern: L-M-H, L-M-H, L-strobe, L-M-H …

So it still has one unanticipated strobe level.

I wonder if adding a resistor would get around that.

There are some lights (Jetbeams?) that will do that. Ie, they’re nicely hidden that you’d have to cycle through at least twice to get to ’em.

Come to think of it, it might be the A01s. Just recall it was a twisty I got that does that.

Mine doesn’t have NMM, though, so no “pencil trick” required.

Yep, both the original Manker driver and the current crappy “some other mode” driver for the Astrolux A01 has you cycle through L-M-H twice before it starts strobing.

It’s the added low-level before it starts strobing that strikes me as peculiar. It’s not supposed to do that.

I’ve got several of both BLF 348’s and AO1,
plus some others to compare.

The BLF is a fine light. Does it’s job. ON/OFF. with plenty of light.
Just a smooth stainless tube with the “Singfire” model having more output.

The AO1 has “not so much” light. with differing levels,
But. both looks and feels good in the hand. Bonus.

The little Convoy (Stainless) I carry on keyring. 85ish lum.
But you can’t hurt or scratch it.

Also. My little Copper O’light, 2 levels. Beaut light.
Second level, on bedroom wall. Equal to MID on AO1.

It’s NOT the strongest but the nicest light.
I just turn it back (or forward) to Low. Before turning off.
Problem solvered.

What the hell would anybody want a flashing cycle for on a toy torch.
I don’t even use it on the big ones.

What the hell would anybody want a flashing cycle for on a toy torch.


In case you accidentally fall out of an airplane and end up on the side of a mountain, you can cycle thru all the modes to realize you got the driver without the strobe after cycling twice ...then you get eaten by a bear

I use strobe in crosswalks when crossing any street — even if I don’t see a car coming because one may pull out and race in my direction faster than my reaction time to pull out the flashlight.

So the little A01 is handy for that in case I’ve forgotten a bigger light.

The idea is to distract the drivers from their cell phones.

Soooo would I…. :+1:

You’ve been changing your picture a lot lately. Hiding from the law?

Yeah, pretty much…. so far so good. But I can’t let down my guard. :wink:
Trying to settle on one I like. The one now (Crystal Mill / Crystal, CO) is neat… but not for an avatar. Gonna change it again soon.

Didn’t they redo the EA45S ??

Did you ever get one of the new versions?

The Astrolux A01 paper documentation does indicate that every 6th twist is the “hidden” strobe mode… So that occurs on the original Manker driver or the “other driver with NMM”.

Much like the Lumintop Tool AA v2.0 now has the same “hidden” strobe on the 6th twist (if using the magnetic tailcap) or 6th half-press (if using the tailswitch).

no has more lumens but less throw. looking for something with more range,

I thought you were joking at first, or just crazy. But, your explanation (drivers & cell phones) actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe I’m the crazy one for detesting strobes so much.

Yeah, I’ve seen several drivers recently talking on their cell phones blow right through a stop sign or red light, while I was in a crosswalk.

They tend to pick off the elderly folks who can’t pick up their feet and skedaddle when threatened.

I stand my ground, glare, strobe, and scream at them.

For this I need to be able to get to strobe really fast. The Sofirn SP32Av2 is ideal —- 3 clicks from off to a stutter/bike strobe.

The Astrolux A01 is more problematic — got to get it set to strobe before venturing off the curb, and sometimes it bounces itself to a diferent setting. But it’s always handy on the keyring.

I’m going to get a few more A01s and do the addon resistor mod, so I can give them to people.

same here

that is one of the reasons I like the Folomov EDC C1. It is also why my HDS and Novatacs are set to triple click for strobe. My Olights use the same command.

people who dont live in Crowdyfornia may not understand how satisfying it is to see a car actually come to a full stop when Im crossing the street

did I tell you the story of the pretty woman who smiled at me when I strobed her as she was creeping to right turn as I entered the crosswalk. That part is true… the next part, in my dreams:

we ended up on a hot date afterward

strobe works for picking up chicks! LOL :wink:
(dont believe everything you read on the internet)

You’re effed up jon_slider!

Made me laugh.

glad to see somebody reads, and comprehends, my posts… LOL!

I tried that on my wife one dark, stormy evening when the grid shut down; she just looked at me and said,
” What’s wrong with you; you better get out to the fridge and transfer the food to the cooler” :neutral_face:
I still like playing with my strobe lights though.

Those dicks with Phone and steering wheel.
What they need is a Remington 870 barrel up their clacker
with NO grease just a trigger pull.

Guys, I have A01 with fried driver. Is there any driver could fit this light?

