Narsil VS Anduril ???

Ouch, that Stings.

I See What You Did There.™

I personally love Anduril. Although I will admit I didn’t play with the advanced features of Narsil while it was still on my Q8. I was in love with the smooth ramp.

Anduril builds on that, adding many new features and arguably silly, but also arguably awesome features like candle mode, lightning mode, goodnight(bedtime) mode, among others.

Narsil has other things anduril doesn’t, custom mode groupings I think? Someone else surely knows more than I do.

They both have their pros and cons for sure. But I’m an Anduril fanboy lol

I'm a fan of both. Don't really think one is better than another, just different. I like the modes on Narsil and that you don't have the mess around to get maximum brightness right out of the box. On the other hand, Anduril has some nice features with the lightning and candle modes etc.

Which one is better? Whichever one you like more. UIs are heavily dependent on personal preferences.

It it possible to set Narsil to give 100% power on a double click from off?

you can set the ramping ceiling higher.

Absolutely, the Sofirn Q8 comes out of the box this way. I really like the NarsilM UI, but look forward to the Anduri UI with the FW3A.

Yes. At least, when using the ramping UI, it’s not possible to set things any other way. If I recall correctly, the ramping UI always does double-click-to-turbo. Some lights have a ramp ceiling below 100, like the BLF GT stops ramping at 80… but double click always goes to full power.

The only one which doesn’t always do double-click-to-turbo is Anduril. When starting from “off”, it goes to the ramp ceiling first, and then another double click goes to turbo. The ceiling can be set to 100% though.

Ahh, but is it mentioned anywhere that Andúril is actually a better sword than Narsil was? If not, your logic is flawed :smiley:

That’s the first thing I did with it

Great input guys. The reason I ask is because the Fireflies light has both versions. Trying to decide which one to buy? Any suggestions from owners of light? Thanks.

The first batch of ROT66 used NarsilM. Later batches, and their other two products, used Anduril. There may still be some first-batch ROT66 lights available, but they’re not sold much any more.

Regardless of firmware, if you can get one with 219B emitters, it’s probably a good choice. It makes a very, very nice beam.

That’s how mine works so it’s Anduril. I reset the floor and ceiling. 1 click and then 150 clicks during the buzz/stutter and now when ramping up it ramps twice and when ramping down it ramps twice. What did I do wrong lol

150 clicks?

It only takes one click to tell it the ceiling should be at turbo. Setting the ceiling to 150 clicks would be telling it to set the ceiling to the lowest level possible, and I’m not sure how it’ll react to that. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a divide-by-zero error or something and went on strike.

Lol it was on strike, beam in the shape of a picket sign and everything! I have some Narsil and Anduril ROT66 and I think I jumbled something up, figured it was easier to ask than make it worse. Thanks Tk, that fixed it.

I don’t know how to use Narsil. A bit because my English is weak and I do not understand the instructions. I can not navigate through the settings and change them.
Thats why I prefer Anduril. Because it has this:

Maybe if someone did a picture instruction for Narsil, I would try it again…

Does this help?

Specifically, the following files:

  • NarsilM_CS_v12_Q8_2017-12-03.pdf
  • NarsilM_DE.pdf

The first has a UI table with arrows between tables. The second is a .de translation of the manual.

I tried to learn from NarsilM_EN.pdf and from the GT mini instructions and it seemed to me so complicated. But this table doesn’t look bad. Maybe I’ll try this weekend. Thanks TK!

i am struggling to configure for the underlined portion above on a KR4.

I have triple clicked into batt check, double clicked around to thermal, quad clicked into the buzzing, and 1 click for lower level and 1 click for upper ceiling; however, i still have to double and then double again from off in order to get to full output.

Do you have any advice?

EDIT: looks like i might be setting the thermal instead