Convoy C8+ SST40 Firmware Question

Interesting. That diagram is confusing, and I still don’t understand how it works. Did Simon go rogue and try to make his own firmware without ToyKeeper’s help? ToyKeeper’s stuff is pretty easy to follow, even when it’s complicated.

Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who found the diagram confusing!

If the light can produce 100% output when first turned on, then I’ll buy one, but for now I’ll await further clarification.

Will also be interesting to see if this driver supports lighted tailcap without a bleeder resistor.

The bit which says “4.5 - 6A, depends on battery, 8A on DC power supply” is also interesting… perhaps the driver will draw less current as the cell voltage sags/decreases?

So... I was wondering pretty much the same for the past few days since I've noticed the new arrival on the AE Convoy Store, just didn't had the time to take a closer look at that diagram...

Now that I have a few clear minutes, I was looking again at that diagram, pretty much the reason I've got here in the first place, looking up on Google trying to find a more enlightened mind over the internet :)

Ok then, my personal thoughts so.. with the attached diagram, just to make things easier to interpret:

What I could make out of this diagram:

- From Off / "0 Mode"

- Full Press (Click) - Turn On / "1st Mode" / High / Turbo [100%] (depending on the power source, since the emitter is allowing some high currents,

using a battery will probably get around 4.5 to 6 Amps / using a PSU, thus not current limited, the driver would limit us to 8 Amps)

- From On / "1st Mode" / High / Turbo [100%]

- 1 Half Press - Nothing (?) (Or maybe it's the "Confirmation Click" for the Ramping Mode etc.. ? would make sense I'd say.. )

- 2 Half Presses - "2nd Mode" / Medium [1.5 Amps]

- 3 Half Presses - "3rd Mode" (Default - Strobe) [Configurable by 5 Half Presses (?)]

- 5 Half Presses - "Ramping Mode" - loops 3 times, probably giving you the time to select/confirm the brightness level with 1 Half Press (?);

also memorizes the last "configured"/"confirmed" brightness lvl. if it was the case / If not, after the 3 loops returns to "1st Mode" (High / Turbo - 100%)

- 8 Half Presses - Resets "Ramping Mode" & "3rd Mode" to defaults - Brightness lvl. & Mode Function [Default = Strobe] (?)

- From "2nd Mode" / Medium [1.5 Amps]

- 5 Half Presses - "Ramping Mode" (same as accessed straight from the "1st Mode")

- From "3rd Mode"

- 5 Half Presses - Configure the "3rd Mode" function - With each flash at 1 second intervals it would set the corresponding function as such:

first flash = 1%, second flash = 100%, third flash = Strobe @100%, fourth flash = Beacon @100%, fifth flash = Slow Flash @20% - while selected with a 1 Half Press (?)

If no interaction/confirmation, after one second from the the fifth flash, it would set > SOS @40%. Function will be memorized (?)

- From "Any Light Mode"

- Full Press (Click) - Completely in the dark on this one... :|

Any further thoughts, additions, corrections are welcome. Hope I've got at least half of it right..

Thanks for the reply 80T, great detail :smiley: :+1:

I have ordered one of these so when it arrives I’ll let you know if there are any corrections to the above.

Ordered one myself :D if anything, because the curiosity was killing me on the inside.. :)) (emitter aside and all)

Here's hope we'll get them soon enough :) And also hope that we'll get a 21700 version as well.

Does anyone know if this is a direct-drive type driver like the blf a6 or mtn fet version? Since its current limited, is it linear? I’m not very savy with drivers, but trying to figure out a good led/host to pair this driver with other than the C8 and a SST-40. Any clue on how its regulated? not a lot of info on the convoy site. Thanks

My guess is this is a higher powered version of the LD-25 driver. As linear drivers they sense the current flow in their current sense resistors (10mΩ for the LD-25, 5mΩ for this SST-40 one) and then precise tune their MOSFET's gate voltage to limit current output to whatever they're set to. This results in the MOSFET dissipating any dV times current excess power (if any excess is present, of course).

I wonder if current can be set for its different modes, very much like it can be done in the LD-25 (nearly sure it can be done).


I think on full brightness its a straight direct drive there looks to be a low power mosfet and a full power mosfet. The big mosfet is rated at 80amps its a beasty part.


Anybody have one in their hands yet to confirm if direct drive or not on high? Thanks

A little surprised Simon hasn’t gifted one to one of you “reputable” (I.E Honest)
reviewers to check it out?.

Or has he???.

Basic C8+ with 26650 and side sw. with simple On/Off.
Puleeeeez. (Just for us lazy buggars out here hey.)

I bought 4 of these (Drivers only) from the convoy store and the first one I used in a C8 did not work as advertised. Mine has 2 modes. mode 1-L,M,H then mode 2- L,M,H and strobe. I have sent a message to Simon with no response. I can also add that it takes 5 half presses to switch modes. Thought maybe he sent the wrong drivers to me. Even went back to double check my order because I know there are 2 versions of this driver. Weird.

Does anybody have an idea what other firmwares will work with that driver?

Had one of these arrive yesterday.

The UI is a bit strange. First full click took me to what appeared to be full power. Two half clicks took it down to a lower level. Nothing too bad there.

Five half clicks got me to the bit where it ramps through the power levels. It’s a bit odd and needs getting used to.

As usual I can’t criticise the quality, everything is spot on.

On high I’m getting 6.9A at the tail from a Samsung 30Q which seems pretty good, and it’s bright, considerably brighter than my C8 with XPL HI and Fet.

I might get a BLF A6 driver from Banggood and drop that into it assuming the SST-40 won’t burn out using a Fet.(?) The UI would be a bit more user friendly.

I reckon that 6.9 amps should be giving me over 2000 lumens. Pretty good for a stock C8. I might even leave the current driver in place, I like going straight to full power.

Is the ramping level stored in the first and second mode, or is the first mode always high? The diagram is confusing.

I am yet to finish a C8S build with one of these you are speaking of. Despite weird the UI features two ramping modes, 1st and 2nd. The third is the multiple selectable functions one. I plan on setting it as follows:

  1. Single tap: ramping set somewhere in the middle, for a nice and practical amount of output versus current consumption.
  2. Double tap: ramping set at 100%.
  3. Triple tap: 1%.

Thu, 05/16/2019 - 01:24

So can this driver be reflashed ?

Can these C8+ be fitted with an ON/OFF 100% sw.
Nothing else?.
Or. As I have in a SolarStorm SC02. (18650 cell)
Side sw.
1 and hold. is ramping, Set where you like and it’ll stay there. with a single click… to 60%ish.

Then it’s.
1 click for that setting.
second click is 100%.
The perfect switch for a no nonsense torch.

Get rid of all the other settings, OR don’t have,
IN THAT torch.
Just have fancy switches in multiple others
as we all do.
And I’m just a starter novice at collecting torches.

I haven’t checked this personally, but from the diagram it would appear to be the case.