Sofirn SP33 XHP50.2 Group Buy (AMZ US) With 26650 Battery and Charger

About 50 interests.

Amazon customers love flashlight with battery and charger, since most muggles don’t have these.

muggles bought light alone because it’s cheaper, they thought it SHOULD has battery even though it’s clear NOT included, then a return caused by NOT as described? :person_facepalming:

So sell us non muggles the returned lights at a great price … we’ll probably buy them all.

I know about that problem very well. Maybe there’s a chance to indicate more clearly what’s NOT part of the content? Some German Amazon customers seemed to return their Sofirn lights just because they were unable to look for the insulation plate between battery and spring. :person_facepalming: Adelina (Sofirn) and I have made something up to help customers understand what to do and of course to reduce the rate of returned flashlights.

Maybe it’s worth to integrate these pictures not only on Amazon DE but also Amazon US and so on.

Some people need an in-person lesson on how to use a shovel, so there’ll always be some 85s who still won’t be able to understand the pictures and huge print and everything.

I’d be interested in getting one.

I’d be very interested, but in Canada. Shipping is $16.38 as stated on AMZ.US
BTW what led temp?

It’s hard to say exactly. Definitely CW. I would guess 5700K to 6500K.

Wow… those are two sad stories. :frowning:

It makes me wonder how some people even survive everyday life… :person_facepalming:


Probably the same kind of people that try to dry their wet hamster in the microwave oven because the manual doesn’t say to not do that. Those people then file a law suit about their exploded hamster because it was clearly not their fault. :smiley:

Yea it’s not clear if there is a cut off date or if this will be an ongoing thing.

So where are we with this sale?


Your probably right Lux-Perpetua… :+1: . . Stories such as that never cease to amaze me. We can only hope these type people never breed & have children. :wink:

I don’t mean to be rude…really….I swear….but my personal experience tells me that it’s exactly this type of people who have multitudes of children. :innocent:

Forrest Gump was always right: Stupid is as stupid does. I like that t-shirt even though it fits a bit tightly nowadays…LOL. That’s WENDY’S fault of course…they served too tasty burgers back in that time …yummy…Junior Bacon Cheeseburger… :partying_face:

Ooops…I guess I was gettin‘ off-topic. :laughing:


All I read was cheeseburgers….time for lunch.


Sorry…but…I…could not re…sissssst. :smiley: I guess I need to schedule my next flight back into the U.S. just to enjoy this juicy, delicious and addictive burger :partying_face:

I received this code on Saturday and already have the light and kit! Very nice! Thank you Sofirn!