Acebeam X45 defective, 2 months old

Ya… That makes sense… The original claim would’ve had to have been handled through Amazon as a DOA product

Either way, with him being $400 US in the hole I’d involve every person and their mother I could.

And NKON had them on sale for like 150€ a while ago


I got a reply from my contact at Acebeam. Apparently my e-mails got in their spam folder.

However, seems that Acebeam doesn’t want to reach out even a little bit. They just say that sometimes they also need to pay import tax when they receive items from overseas.

I’ve pretty much have had it with Acebeam by now.

Again the sum up what I’ve paid in total now:
–179 EUR initial purchase
–18 EUR return shipping of defective light
–107.22 EUR (115.90 USD) for the replacement light
–47.16 EUR import duties on the replacement light

351.38 EUR total for one Acebeam X45.

Their product breaks down within 2 months and it’s costing me a lot of extra money. Shame.

Just for future reference, your contract is with the seller, not the manufacturer. Its up to the seller to return the product to the manufacturer for warranty purposes.

really sad, suddenly aceabeam are so poor they whine about some imports… wow duh… :person_facepalming: they make money on flashlights if they cant handle that maybe its time to close that kind of business ? so acebeam is just as bad as imalent when it comes to warranty issues etc….

i had better thoughts of acebeam but when i read this i wont be buying any lights from them anytime now…

Initially I contacted the seller about the issue - but he redirected me to the manufacturer and they picked it up from there.

Acebeam like Klarus, has virtually no support from my experience. You try and buy it from a local “authorized dealer”, and after 1 month they say tough S… you’ll have to deal with Acebeam direct. Then there is no service with Acebeam direct. At least Fenix is responsive, and has an official warranty repair facility in Texas. Acebeam should do the same, in N. America and Europe.

Shipping anything to China without a tracking number is like shipping to a black hole. 90+% chance it will disappear without a trace.

That’s really, really pathetic of Acebeam. Acebeam is the only Chinese company from headquarters to mfg that charges the same prices as Olight, Nightcore etc. I also know from speaking with an authorized Acebeam distributor that they do contractually require that their distributors will not discount their products. They only provide discounts on lights that are about to be discontinued.

I’m fine with any company charging for their brand and backing it up with great quality and customer service. I don’t have much experience with Acebeam products due to their sky high pricing structure but I’ve heard good things and have the worlds most expensive LED headlamp the H30 in shipping en route to me right now.

If Acebeam is going to present itself as a premium brand and offer customer service equivalent to a garage start-up company they’ll never earn any more business from me!

I will admit however, there were unfortunately many opportunities throughout your situation where you should’ve been much more demanding and less accepting of the treatment you were given. Like you said though, once they already have your money and you have the product you potential recourse is extremely limited.

I’m still very upset about your situation and really hope now that you’re a BLF member you’ll let many of the ready and willing members aid you in future purchases and negotiations!

Exactly, they are charging more then budget on their so called high lumens lights, in this case they dont even care about a user with a light thats gone broken less then 2 months, thats just embarassing, a light of this caliber should last for years before anything should go bad… and whoever sells their lights on amazon needs to take care of this, it should be in aceabeams best interest that sellers on amazon offers good customer support i dont know really why they dont offer a better solution.

you live in the EU within the first 6 months the seller has to deal with it no excuses,
unless he sold with the legal sentence in his sales description sold from private no warranty

You can try messaging Acebeam here. They’ve logged onto the forum less than 12 hrs ago

they may refund a part on godwill if they see you posting this on their FB site or other platform with some impact

I don’t have much to update right now.

Acebeam in their last e-mail only asked me to delete this topic. Ignoring all the rest.

wow serious ? :person_facepalming:

They have nerve. You’d think they would come to this thread and take care of you in public, and show everyone what great company they are. Instead, they decide to crap on you and this forum. Wow.

Acebeam has sunk pretty far down as a company that u cant count on if u encounter problems to get any help on expensive lights… just as bad as imalent if not even worse…


I vote worse based on their price structure. Acebeam charges premium prices and claims premium products.

Imalent has their issues but they put out products at low prices and then offer huge discounts. When I bought my DX80 for almost half of what the X80 was available for I did so willing to deal with some frustrations.

When I buy Acebeam products I expect everything from the price, product and the service to be as premium as it gets

Yes u are right about that, dealers rarely can put discounts on their more expensive lights or whatever… so where is the support when u need it lol ??? they wont last long in business treating customers like that…

Acebeam - since you are aware of this thread know that i wont buy any lights from u ever reading how u treat customers… congrats!

1. Your contract is with the seller, not manufacturer. If you buy on EU store they must abide by EU consumer regulations.
2. You should not have agreed to buy second flashlight on discount from a third-party China store. This is a new transaction. You are responsible for customs.
3. You should not have sent the flashlight to China. If you bought on the seller is obliged to provide German return address (same for etc).

Acebeam have given you bad customer service but you need to accept some of the responsibility. You need to be smarter when dealing with companies. In future seek advice before doing anything.