Guess the place (the game)

Easy. Wilbur Post’s house.

Mr. Ed says no.

He lies a lot.

This is all I could find:

It's the "soon" horse looking out a window.

Here's a wider shot that may help:

Third floor window with statue of a horse in Galena, Illinois.


Wilbur Post’s getaway in Venice?

I am such a obfuscationist….not!
Oh well…anyone just jump in with a better obscure titled picture. :blush:

Looking for the name of the mountain range in the below photo and/or the name of a large nearby city outside of which this photo was taken. Hope it’s not too generic.

Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh

:+1: :beer:

You or anyone else can have a go at it again… I haven’t a handy picture or time to look today.

Was gonna say, looks like my flightsim when taking off from KRNO…

Maha Vihara Maitreya, Medan, Indonesia

Damn that was fast….

But wrong :smiling_imp:

Is the location in China?

As part of the first clue, Yes it is in China.
Secondly, it has been, like this thread, abandoned.