✌ FREEME- ASTROLUX MF01 Mini 7*SST20 CRI95 26650 ANDÚRIL Flashlight Group Buy - $45.99



Interested in 2:
1x SST20 CRI95
1x XP-G3

Interested in one.



I might get 2 if price is nice :slight_smile:

I am a fan of 26650 lights. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it is because these lights have a familiar girth that naturally fits well in the hand.

However, for too long the 26650 languished. Many lost interest in this cell size… too big, too heavy, not enough energy density. Then when the 21700 cells came out, the outlook for 26650 lights seemed even more dismal.

Now I am happy that the venerable 26650 is having a resurgence, so I am definitely INTERESTED in this MF01 Mini.

Please put me on the list.




Anyone have any new details to share?


So tomorrow?…

Maybe it will be the first astrolux I will buy?

They told me sample will only be ready next month.

Oh noooooo… So sad. Ok

Well, since we have no new solid info, let’s play a guessing game of the features.

I’ll go first:

1. 6000+ lumen turbo (FET)
2. 800 lumen max regulated (7 x 7135)
3. Andúril or similar
4. USB charging
5. LEDiL ANNA 40-7-S optic (just a wild guess)
6. Stainless bezel
7. Will become my new favorite light.

Who else wants to guess??


Interested thanks.

Interested in the SST 20 version.