The app is a no-go for me too. But some tweaks to make it more mobile friendly would be appreciated.

If this forum is maintained by a single person then the application is not viable. Not even necessary. The most logical would be a mobile friendly design (which is doable) and perhaps tapatalk, but not an application.

I was once forced to use iphone, no thanks, never again, take all my flashlights just dont force me to use that s*phone again.

Sorry, but there definitely won’t be any dedicated BLF apps. I’m not a web developer or a programmer (I do better with web server configuration and administration), so an app would be biting off way more than I can chew. I also must admit that I don’t have the motivation to create an app, since I personally hate using mobile devices whenever I have the remote possibility of using a vastly superior “real” computer.

This is by far the best option for heavy mobile users. This functionality is called a “site specific browser”, and here are some possible options for iOS and Android:

2 Thanks

Not gonna happen soon.
Drupal engine is not supported by tapatalk.

Just curious, what are your computer specs? I’m currently on the Ryzen train but I find I’m still eyeballin’ those Intel 9900’s.

Nah. Stay on Ryzen.
Look at the Ryzen 3000 series, and stay there.
You’ll see why.

Mobile devices feature power and capabilities which even desktops of just a few years ago could only dream on. The main problem is the software. Due to my particular circumstances I have done a lot of homework in using my handheld device like a laptop/desktop computer, just take a look:


I'm not a fan of interfacing with mobile devices.

Give me a physical keyboard and mouse any day.

All I use my phone for is making calls and playing Candy Crush Soda Saga.

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Ah, I’m nowhere close to that actually. My main daily driver is an older model Thinkpad T530 with an SSD, still plenty fast for my needs. As Racoon City said above, I mainly value a laptop or desktop computer above anything else due to it having a keyboard and mouse, not necessarily for the processing power.

Yeah, I got bit by the PC bug as a kid. I’ve been building my own computers since I was 13. I was an early adopter on the Ryzen launch and it was an exciting (yet tedious) experience overclocking my system to stable. Love the budget approach AMD took, competition for the win!

I wouldn't want to place the burden on our admin. The site does fine on mobile for me, although sometimes doing formatting in my comments gets difficult.

It’s a good idea to have a BLF iPhone app just like CPF does. It would be super cool and convenient to have all the info we need at our fingertips, instead of opening up Safari every time we want to check out the website. I bet many BLF members, including myself, would be willing to pay for such an app.

Hi there @ArielSchwatrz , welcome to BLF!

There is a generic free app that you can use here:

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Progressive web apps look an feel like native Android and iOS apps while they are developed and distributed by a web server.

I made that for my website. It’s easy, no framework required. Just html, vanilla java script and sort of XML.

No “you must do this”, “your must not do that…” and lawyers gliberish from Googles or Apples app store.

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Why, is the iPhone incapable of viewing a mobile webpage? The new site works fine on my Android phone.

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I tried the Android Discourse Hub app. All it seemed to do was act as a bookmark to open my preferred browser on my android phone. I already had a easy to access bookmark, so that app ended just changing the taps I would make to get to my preferred BLF start page. Just different yaps but the same number. Made no sense to me to use for this site. I deleted the app. I think the OP was a bit strange; like spam without the actual spam

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New site looks good on my iPhone. Well at least it does with the Duck Duck Go browser/app. Not sure about Safari or anything else. I don’t do much BLF’in on my mobile though.

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BLF on my Android has one of the best, maybe the best, appearance and ease of use of any web based site I use a lot, without any need for an app. I still prefer my laptop PC but do find my Android very usable. I’m using it now. Now back to the ebook I’m reading.

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The new site works great on every mobile device I’ve tried. No app necessary. For direct access, simply add a launcher shortcut in whatever you use for a home screen.

I’ve also made sure my themes work on mobile, so people can keep the same appearance between desktop and mobile if they want, including day mode and night mode. I even spaced the main post buttons to make it a bit easier to press the right one on a small touchscreen, and reduced side padding so text can fit easier on a tall, narrow device.

As for dedicated apps for online services… they’re typically a downgrade. Usually they’re just a thin wrapper around a heavily restricted web browser which removes features and controls the user would have with a normal browser. Plus, apps tend to collect and sell a lot more information about the user… which is probably why so many companies push their apps instead of their sites. And they tend to run in the background all the time and drain the battery.

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