FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Add to list please. Thank You

Sorry for the slow speed in sending messages… the purchase page opened up by surprise, and I want people early on the list to have a chance to order first. So it’s intentionally slow.

Also, it seems things won’t ship until at least May 8, so this doesn’t actually cause any delay in how long it’ll take to receive the lights. But I definitely understand how excruciating it can be to “hurry up and wait”.

it won’t cause a delay you say? Won’t they ship in the order the order was received? Wondering how long it would take to ship out over 1500 lights? Zzzzzzz.

Next time I’ll just put my name at the top of the list regardless if I want to purchase or not - that way I’ll avoid this anxiety

still, very appreciative! Thank you.

Your #2076 on the list, you can do the math.

  • 2076 x 95 = 197,220 seconds
  • 197,220 ÷ 3600 = 54.78 hours

Then take away a few hours for those that ordered multiple lights only receiving one PM……

  • 1559 x 95 = 148,105 seconds
  • 148,105 ÷ 3600 = 41.14 hours

At number 2076, your looking at “roughly” 39 to 40 hours from the time the Group Buy went live for your PM to arrive.

You’ve got time to relax a bit…… :wink:


It looks like there may be quite a few people added.

The bandwagon is a rolling along.

I think this is a great way to do this. No apology needed. It is clear & straight forward…. even though going live early was a surprise.

Is the inner black sleeve electrical signal meant to be isolated from the body?
That sleeeve carries the switch signal?
Is it only isolated by the black ano finish? What happens if the ano is scratched and it makes electrical contact to the body?

For future emitters, will there be another preorder/discount or should we buy now like the opportunity will not arise again?

Basically, what you said in your edit is correct. I feel 3D is closer to cool white by my perception. I’m going for the 7A which might look a little orange to some, but it’s so much easier on my eyes anyway. It should feel more authentic on candle mode, which I’m looking forward to trying out.

I actually just made my order 5 minutes before this. First Anduril light! Yay! Thx TK!

Yes to your edit.

3D is a very neutral tone, almost like daylight. The color temperature should theoretically be 4875 +/- 125 Kelvin.

7D is a warm tone, similar to halogen lights. The color temperature should theoretically be 3125 +/- 125 Kelvin.

You discover the wonders of kapton tape.

I went to bed at midnight last night. My Spidey sensors must’ve felt a disturbance in the force because I woke up around 4am (about an hour after PM’s started) and found my message :partying_face:

Thanks TK. Do you still not have a donation account set up?

TK set up a Patreon. The info is a few pages back i think.

Is the light ON or OFF?

Thanks :beer:

You mean your Spidey sense’s, there Luke Vader Darth Skywalker :smiley: :+1:

Is there enough room?

I have not been able to find out what bins they are using. Hopefully Kawiboy or Tom gets theirs before its necessary for me to order my lights.

They are really good at quick tear downs and thorough reviews. Toykeepers reviews are just as good but after bunnygate, clipgate and the mad rush to order lights that aren’t going to ship right away and will take weeks to deliver her enthusiasm may be a bit low.

When’s the last time a big light order happened here and the first batch was as good as the second batch?

That probably depends how the switch works. But how about either scenario? Will electroncis be damaged? Is there a fire risk since the 18650 has to be unprotected to fit?
I’ve just never seen electronics isolated only by an ano layer. Maybe they are both negative signals so it will just turn the light on or off when the switch circuit is closed to ground?

I’m also a bit surprised the two tint choices are 3000k and 5000k 70CRI. I was really hoping for a 4000k 90CRI but I’ll still buy one to use as a host for LH351D.

The light looks great and I am excited about the firmware.

Any chance i can still get in on the group buy? Looks great.

Thanks Kawi. My senses are a bit funny this morning :innocent:

See https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/45538/8711