FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

Yes, all TIR lens from the same series (105xx) which share the same footprint, diameter and heigh will fit. Have fun with swapping and experimenting, first step to modding.
(Check each one’s PDF and compare dimensions if you have a doubt).

Dammit TK I thought you were a nice person. I just stayed up an extra half hour trying to work that out :nerd_face: . I reckon I’ve got the answer but I’m not about to try and type it out. I took pictures of my scribbles though. I came up with 4 scenarios.

I would very much like to be notified when the SST-20 versions are available.

I’ll take one please :wink:

That’s really cool. What’s the best source to order Carlco optics from?
Carlco optics are very cheap and easy available in local shops.
I thin I’ll buy all available 105xx optics.

I’d say Arrow is your best bet. Prices are low and shipping is free.

You’ll know. Just look for the spike in a thousand posts in about a day. There will be the following spikes:

1. Now, because it’s ready to order. “I just got a PM telling me it’s ready to order! Yeah!” “I just placed my order. Yeah!”

2. In about 3-4 weeks, when people start getting them. “I just got a delivery notice! Yeah!” “I just opened the box! Yeah” “Etc.”

3. In about 4-5 weeks, when people start complaining about flaws. “OMG! The tailclip has a hole in it! I thought it wouldn’t have a hole! This is an outrage!”

4. Sometime soon after that, when the SST-20 version becomes available to order.


So, just look for the 4th spike.

Glad to see these come to fruition! Order for a Neutral coming on Tuesday. (#1223 on the list. :slight_smile: ) This has been a fun project to watch!

The fw & the D4 are of similar size , I’m thinking the holster would be perfect for D4 ?

Please put me down for 1 more please.

About to order mine. Quick question. Any concerns on ordering a Q30 cell from the seller? I know everyone is always cautious with these.

No concerns here.

Just get a 30Q from Neal if you want one included with your light.

I’m interested in one FW3A SST-20.

Put me back on the list as BlueSwordM. :slight_smile:

Please. :slight_smile:

I’d really like one. Hope I’m in time to sign up! (Reddit said I was)

Thank you for the recommendation.

Just ordered Carclo 10509 and 10507 also two TIR optics for my BLF A6

One for me please (FW3A SST-20)

I am also interested in one FW3A SST 20. Or in one LH351D, if it will be available sometime! Thank!!! I’ll register on the Nile website! :slight_smile:

The first batch of PMs is complete. Everyone on the first list should have a message now, except for Garth and Paradise, who have private messages disabled.

I’m updating the list for batch 2 now, and then the list will be closed.

- TK

Interested, SST-20

I just ordered one in 3D and am interested in 2 more in the second batch! Thanks so much!!