FW3A, a TLF/BLF EDC flashlight - SST-20 available, coupon codes public

After all this time, I don’t think we should sweat the small-change sh*t.

I've received a tracking number from Neal that shows "Item received" to a sorting center in China. I expected it to basically be a "label created" type of thing, and was very surprised. Last I heard, shipments wouldn't begin until May 8. Time to play the "wait and see" game.

I also just got a tracking number. But based on experience I wouldn’t be surprised or bent out of shape if it took a month to get to me.

As an aside I don’t really know why I bought the flashlight since I don’t really have a need for it. Although irritating my adult kids is certainly a fun thing to do :stuck_out_tongue:

Just placed my order. Thank you to those who worked on this project and made it a reality!

Ordered 1 of my 2 in XPL 3D, hoping the SST-20 option is available soon to order my second, honestly I would almost prefer the branding on the second once so they’re easier to differentiate by sight.

Good idea! I kinda liked the bunny anyway. I wonder if that option would be available to us and still use the coupon code.?

No worries. I was planning to explain the mechanism so people wouldn’t be expecting a second message, and by sheer coincidence you provided a perfect example. :slight_smile:

In case it's not known here, Martin told me that Neal had a few 3D's on hand, so the shipping notices are legit, assuming all you that got a tracking # ordered 3D's.

FB is good for something, sometimes...

I only ordered 1 of my 2 on the list, waiting on other emitter options. Suspect others did the same.

Me too.

I’m just quoting this as a reminder.

Dear reader, if you find yourself thinking about posting private group-buy codes in public, just remember… PURULENT GENITAL FURUNCLES.

Maybe karma exists, maybe it doesn’t. But if genital furuncles are involved, is it really worth finding out?

No, there isn’t another round of PMs coming. The list doesn’t have data on who wants which emitter, and it’d be a little rude or spammy to send messages to everyone again. So it’s probably best to keep an eye on FW3A news, because SST-20 should be announced when it’s ready.

Last I heard, I think Neal found a FD2 tint bin. Hopefully it’ll be a little more rosy than the FB4 bin found earlier.

The elliptical one is the best choice for biking. That’s what I’m using on my bike, anyway.

I like saying your name. It’s a fun word.

I’m quoting this because that’s a great article.

Most of us don’t really need it. To merely fill a need, we could go to a local shop for whatever cheap light they have. But there are plenty of other valid reasons to get one. I’m guessing the majority of us are here because we enjoy it, not because we actually need more lights.

However, that said… I use this particular light a lot. It gets more runtime than the entire rest of my collection, unless I count the Q8 I use as a bedside candle.

Although few would admit it, that’s probably the reason why many people are here. Sometimes a light in the darkness is exactly what we need, even if it’s not strictly for the purposes of seeing at night. Because what we have here is a community, and it serves a lot of purposes which aren’t strictly about converting electrons into photons.

Got my shipping notice. Kinda surprised since I’m all the way down at 1286 on the original listed I expected to be in a later batch.

I’m impressed with how quickly it all came together in the end!

Just four?

As a hint, there are actually 24 or 26 scenarios, depending on which version of the puzzle is attempted. But it may be possible to reduce it to 12 or 13 scenarios and still fill the requirements, which Random Dan may have done.

I’ll run this through my test script to check it. Even if the script reports failed cases, it looks pretty close. I expect there should be at least one solution which can identify the fake but can’t determine whether it’s lighter or heavier… but at a glance, I’m not totally sure if you’ve found such a thing or not.



I’ll run this through my test script to check it. Even if the script reports failed cases, it looks pretty close. I expect there should be at least one solution which can identify the fake but can’t determine whether it’s lighter or heavier… but at a glance, I’m not totally sure if you’ve found such a thing or not.[/quote]

I thought the specification said we only needed to identify the coin, not necessarily determine light or heavy. The only stone which I could identify as the misfit but not classify as light or heavy would be 13 since I never weighed it. I could fix that and then I’d need to use the dummy weight.

Third time’s the charm.

-Scale 1———Scale 2———Aside




10 BRL
11 RBB
12 BBR
13 BRB

Yeh, just 4 and I was working to 12 diamonds. After seeing Dan’s first 2 answers I went back and checked mine again and of course discovered it was flawed. I was only half heartedly thinking about it then. Luckily at that point I got save… err … I mean distracted by the family :smiley: The more I look at it the more I come to the conclusion it’s out of my league :blush:

Well put, I signed up here for GB deal but I enjoy some of the banter that goes on around here, and I’ve learned a thing or two. The collaborative nature of the projects and the friendly environment is why I keep coming back. You and all those involved who keep BLF what is right now is very much appreciated.

I remember this puzzle from 40 years or so ago. It’s been decades since I did it but I seem to recall coming up with 2 different solutions to it. Then again I could be wrong there :stuck_out_tongue:

4 on each side of scale. If balanced then the 4 left has the odd diamond and those 8 are neutrals. Then 3 neutrals and three of the 4 left are weighed. If balanced the one remaining is the odd one. If unbalanced (you will now know if its light or heavy)take two neutrals and one of the 3 left on each side of the scale. If balanced the remaining one is it. Unbalanced the one that is heavier or lighter is the one.

If the scale on the first weigh is unbalanced the remaining 4 are your neutrals. Then I have no clue how to find the odd one in two more weighings.

From the chart, FD2 could be a great tint. Yay! Can’t wait to see it in person.