✌ FREEME- ASTROLUX MF01 Mini 7*SST20 CRI95 26650 ANDÚRIL Flashlight Group Buy - $45.99

Blue :smiling_imp:

Silver - Purple - Red - Blue. in that order!

is he from narsil or anduril?



Purple, Blue, Red in that order

I want that blue one…

I like the blue one.

I wish more lights came in a variety of colors.

Black flashlights kinda get boring after a while.

Blue and purple.

Blue and silver

Blue, Silver, Purple


blue and silver looks nice.


It looks kinda like the lineup of the Avengers.

Black Panther, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor (the hair), Thanos, Cap’n America and um, maybe the Silver Surfer?

I like the “Tony Stark” Red one myself.


I like the blue and the red. the last one is War Machine PBWilson, not Silver Surfer!

Of course! :person_facepalming:

Purple, Silver, and… all the rest.

Interested on purple.Add me in for one purple.