M4D M4X exclusive - a design idea...

The clip shown is seriously in need of a ramp, that part protruding will definitely catch.

Looks sweet to me. I think a 21700 tube with a premium material (Brass, Copper, Titanium) would be a big hit. It it was an aluminum body with the 18650, I’d still find it interesting… It is a proven form factor around here

There are many lights in this area. And a couple of good ones. You need something to differenciate your light from the crowd…

I would be interested.

I prefer a USB charging capability. I doubt I will purchase many more lights (other than AA, AAA) without USB

I prefer the beam distance to throw in the 200 meter range (difficult maybe with the compact head/reflector size).

Optional removable tail magnet.

That’s a tough segment you will enter Martin.

I think you have to do something extra over the fw3a, emisars and the rest.

Maybe different materials, but your datasheet says aluminium. Maybe different colours than, emisar green was the best ever colour imo.

Maybe a cc driver, 21700 cell.

And I would go for a screw on clip.

USB charging needs to be a standard for any light released in 2019…

I agree, its too similar to current trending ligts. Unless its made out of brass!

Please no… Its super ugly, not waterproof and the light will be bigger.

Captive clip by any means always gets my attention.
Screwed on or held in place by tailcap.
Snap-on clips are an afterthought.
Anything but aluminum is also a plus!

I think it’s time we had something a bit more exotic that the normal run of the mill quads, maybe brass body with a copper head - maybe aim high first then make aluminium ones later. I was ever so slightly annoyed at the rumours there would be more exotic flavours of the FW3A later on (since I would rather of had that version, and can’t warrant both) , why not start with top notch then work downwards?

Sure, I will be interested in the first “M4D M4X exclusive” flashlight. :+1:

Wait, since this is an M4DM4X exclusive light, how about we put it all inside?

For weight concerns, rather than using brass or copper, why not use copper plated aluminium?

And use dual BeCu springs?

And use a small quad OP reflector array like that Maxtoch light?

There are so many ideas that could be used.

+1 on the boost driver

It needs to have something that makes it stand out from the competition.

D4 size makes a great EDC so I’d stick with 18650 format.

I agree with the sentiment of the thread. There is some extremely good competition in the triple/quad, small-as-possible department. High CRI is offered on some, and an emitter-swap away on all. Tiny form factor is done by Emisar and FW3A. Good UI is done by both. Captive clip, FW3A. D4 even did a Titanium run.

You would need something different to stand out, but I don't know what. A super efficient buck/boost driver would be good, like a Zebralight quad lol. I could take or leave the USB charging, but it would differentiate the light and appeal to some, especially if kept compact. USB-C, too. Or maybe you could make a quad-LED, 21700 light with magnetic ring control like the RRT-01!

… yes, if < 3 years to fruition :wink:

How about using cold white LED’s but with high CRI? This would be original.


Don’t we all have more than enough super floody triples/quads??

In my opinion, the optic used in the D4S has a great beam pattern… not a thrower, but has some reach… very useful.

Yes Martin give us a more reliable EDC than FW3A

Whats the deal with FW3A reliability? Been thinking about ordering one…

The SST-20 4000k 95CRI variant still isn’t available.

Definitely Interested. Maybe it can have the M4D M4X logo on it?