✌ FREEME- ASTROLUX MF01 Mini 7*SST20 CRI95 26650 ANDÚRIL Flashlight Group Buy - $45.99

non-anodized like this one


looks bigger than i expected… but nice :sunglasses:

I think the driver is gonna be similar to the FW3A. FET+7+1. Default ceiling will be maximum 7135 and then turbo will be full FET. Ramp ceiling on the FW3A is about 700 lumens which is decent for maximum regulated current on such a small light. On this particular light maximum regulated current might produce in excess of 1000 lumens. It will be very handy!

Blue tint/ano is quite nice.

Rost333 is showing a different light, so size is not comparable. He was simply refering to the finish.

I don’t know how good a raw aluminum finish will be. They tend to oxidize over time and look nasty. Anodization maintains it’s appearance.

They could clear anodize raw aluminum, like Fireflies does.

Is their “clear” anodized really that or just an aluminum color anodization? I haven’t been following it.

no info has been posted afaik only the small teaser image.

Most likely anodization like Astrolux C8.

looks like a winner. i’m in

Interested to one SST20 CRI95, pending price.


Interested depending on price

I prefer complementary color scheme.

So we can choose? That would be awesome. I would definitely take two lights then.

I prefer hard anodizing so the light isn’t so easy to scratch anything less durable is just pointless.

The OP says SST-20 CRI95, so I’m assuming 4000K.

Has anyone discussed tint yet?

It is most likely SST 20 FD2 tint bin

It’s actually more likely using the FA3 bin.

Can’t speak too much about it, but one of the reasons I’m currently doing a GB of the SST-20 FD2 LED is because Astrolux has been hoarding the FA3 LEDs, especially since they are also of high flux bin(J5), and only the FD2 is available now.

Possible but they only have 1,000 FA3 emitters and it will run out much too quickly in this multi-emitter setup.