*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Please put me down for another lantern (for a total of 2). Thank you!

Great project! Please put me down for one.

Pardon me if I overlooked it, but the first post is a bit long.

Is there any near confirmed price for the group buy yet?

Count me in, please.
I realised that I cannot resist the temptation anymore.


Put me down for 2 please!

Hi Den, can you share any of your ‘accessory’ test results?

I’m curious about the top-mount reflector you mentioned earlier.

What is the ‘beam’ like if the lantern is suspended about 3 feet / 1 meter above an outdoor table, with and without the reflector?

I’m interested! Could you add me to the list? For two if that’s possible.

I’m still testing various designs to that, and will share pics soon. :+1:

How far is our second (hopefully production) prototype?

Interested for one, thanks!

Getting close, were just working on some final details to get it rolling.

In for 1 more! #1650 MKayze

I am Definitely interested in one

Not terribly hard as reflows go I expect but a little more complex than simple mcpcbs.

There are 8 emitters and 3 wires so more things to go wrong. Removing the mcpcb will be faiy easy: dissemble the light (one big screw at the top), desolder 3 wires (remembering which goes where) and remove 2 screws.

Being a large mcpcb it will need a fair amount of heat to melt the solder, a skillet or direct flame will help.

You may also notice the tint goes rosy when ramping between those tints

I'm in for 1 full kit! Outstanding project, dedication, and team work. You guys rock! :)



Interested depending on price thanks

Please put me down for two.
Thank you!

Quit holding out for bigger commission and let them build it!! :partying_face: LOL

Were trying! :+1: Just waiting for the final details from Sofirn & Barry on the small changes & additions to the test sample, then hope to get it rolling into production for the GB as soon as possible.