[M4D deal ACTIVE] LiitoKala Lii-500S groupbuy

Liitokala Lii-500S in Thai language I think…

Thanks for the video,gave me a good laugh!

I lied. ,about last post. Had to comment on the video!

Staring at 3:59 mark She could NOT get the 26650 Liitokala to make contact w/ positive tab in slot 2. So she used a rubber band which did not work either! :laughing: lol!

That has happened to me[no contact on positive end] w/ a few of my 26650 on certain chargers,Neodymium magnets solve that problem.

Couldn’t help myself.

The ZanFlare C4 analyzing charger can also display info for all 4 slots at the same time (eg. mAh capacity for all 4 slots).

Glad I was directed to this thread, I was wanting/needing another Lii 500 and it looks like the Lii 500S will be it. :+1:

Personally, I greatly prefer & use my Lii 500’s much more than my Opus; which is ’optimistic’ in it’s discharge capacity measurements.

Both are good, I just totally prefer the Liitokala.

Thanks Mad Max…… :beer:

I should NOT have said last post!!! My bad,Forgive me,It is my 59th Birthday[Last year in my 50’s! ]today,a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and was 47F when I got up,going up to 70F :+1:

Freedom of choice is Great isn’t it? :wink: The price is right for the Liitokala,WHY one would prefer to press ALL those buttons for info is beyond me,I guess they have more time than me and are not interested in documenting the results in a simple manner[One Photo]

I GREATLY prefer looking at ALL the info at once which I already explained in post # 24! Also it charges EVERY battery[except very old ones] to 4.20V and is relatively accurate in comparison to HKJ’s results,average about 3% higher.

I TOTALLY prefer the Opus for reasons stated and many more!!! lol!

Yes it is!! I 100% agree… :+1:

But maybe this sale thread is not the best place to discuss all those choices in depth over & over again. :wink: ymmv

HAPPY BIRTHDAY also wolfdog!!! :beer:


Oh yeah… don’t forget all the problems with the Opus that had to be solved. (by you & several of us)

Liitikala Lii500 or Lii500S for the win!!! :beer: :partying_face: :heart_eyes: :crown: :+1:

Get more accurate results but you must press 4 buttons

Or …

Press no button but get inaccurate results

Pick your poison kind of thing?

Yeah… to me pushing a button is pretty easy. Since I log the results one at a time anyway… I much prefer reading & seeing the results for each bay separately. It cuts down on confusion for me.

’My Opus’ is less accurate than my LII 500’s. Others may or may not find this to be so with theirs.

So who is the judge as to which one is more accurate?? Let us NOT forget that ALL of these chargers can show slight inconsistency from Charger to charger.That goes for Liitokala and Opus and whatever,none are exactly the same.

I had *KING OPUS that was consistently within 3% of HKJ and Numerous times LESS than 1% difference and several times less than 0.1% from HKJ,It is all in the Opus threads on here and CPF.*PRINCE Opus is what I have had for 2 years now. It RARELY is more than 3% higher than HKJ,Good enough for me and to each his own.

Lets NOT FORGET that besides the button pushing, the Liitokala will take TWICE as long to discharge! [500mah VS 1000mAh for Opus] :stuck_out_tongue: 90% plus of my batteries are 18650 and 26650

I already know what teacher is going to say!! His Liitokala is more accurate than his Opus!….Maybe so, he did not have King or Prince Opus!!! :wink:

Off to my Birthday dinner w/ friends!

Thanks for the Birthday wishes Teacher.

Names I chose for my chargers.

Agreed, but I’ve also found that going too slow causes problems with failed Delta-V termination, at least on my BC-700. 300mAh is useful, whereas 200mAh is often too slow to ever terminate even on very old NiMH AAA’s. A balance must be found between premature and delayed termination.

300mAh is a requirement for NiMH AAA’s, in my opinion. 500mA seems too fast unless the cells are nearly new. After all, that’s over 0.6C for a new 800mAh cell and even more for a worn one.

I suspect that few people that own these chargers use them for NiMH batteries, however. I still have a large collection of NiMH, but I suspect that people coming into battery-powered hobbies in the last decade have focused on Li-ion exclusively.

The Lii-500 doesn’t fully top off NiMH cells according to HKJ’s tests and my old BC-700 charger has more appropriate rates for that chemistry, so I use the Liitokala for Li-ion and the La Crosse for NiMH.

Yes, I doubt the charger is using -dV to terminate my old NiMH cells. But they do eventually terminate, after putting about 2x more energy in them than they have in capacity. I suspect the charger must also terminate at some fixed voltage, if it doesn’t detect a -dV signal.

I do sometimes just remove the cells when I see the voltage has risen to about 1.55v. Since they old and worn-out anyway, I don’t really care if I’m damaging them by overcharging. I just like the fact that the old Li-500 charger has a 300mA setting so I can actually charge them.

I really do like the display on this model but I have a ton of charges that fill this niche. Maybe I will pick one up later when they put them on sale without the power supply at the $15 to $16 range. I mean I like the display but I’m not going to look at it very long anyway. Great buy for those whom need a good charger though. I would buy it if I needed it.

You see, charging NiMH cells is about as efficient as lithium-ion cells up to 70% capacity filled.
However, close to full, it goes down to around 60-70%.

0,5C is about the best current to charge any NiMH cells.
Low enough current not to produce too much heat, but high enough current to just produce enough heat for the charger to detect the voltage drop due to the heightened internal resistance.

Some chargers are very good about it, like my MiBoxer C4-12.

The Zanflare C4 wasn’t too good.

Looks like they got rid of internal resistance.

I was about to order one but the shipping was $14.16 to New York. That’s outrageous!

Edit: I just found an option to have it shipped Air Parcel Register for $1.30


Yup. It wasn’t very useful on this charger to begin with, so I’m not surprised they pulled it.

/\ Amen…. :+1:

Why do some people feel they’re so special they have to continue to post the same thing over and over again in an unrelated thread? Like their opinion is gold and is more important than others…

Like beating a dead horse. Glad you got something that works for you and you like better, this is a group buy thread for a great charger at a great price, can we PLEASE stick to discussion of this charger???

Its like this in every thread he posts in! For someone who doesn’t have time to put 4 buttons they sure do have lots of time to post the same thing over and over again… Get a life man, glad your happy with the product you have and use, that’s great, but lots of people are happy with other stuff and don’t necessarily want to hear about your choices in every thread [not] on the subject. Talk about a time waster.