[♛ FreemeGB] ASTROLUX FT03 XHP50.2 (3V) 4300lm 735m 26650/ 21700/ 18650 Flashlight - SHIPPED!

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Order placed.

Thank you for your efforts freeme.

Ordered one.

Received mine today nine days after ordering - and it looks very promising, looking forward to walking my dog tonight!

Ordered, thanks Freeme :+1:

Interested as well!


Tom did later say he was off in his prediction.

With the 50.2, 21700 or 26650?

It uses a 26650. Is that what your asking?
If your asking if a 21700 fits, it does. As long as it’s not protected.

Are there any differences in the driver compared to CСT-40?

Just curious, the Convoy M3 with XHP70.2 is rated at 4300 lumens. Many compact sized flashlights with XHP70.2 have something like 3500-4000 lumens only.

Does the 3v XHP50.2 really go up to 4300 lumens? How many Amps will it need to pull to reach that 4300 lumens?

Also, 5700K and 6500K tints for XHP50.2 = I wonder if they will have the same characteristic of cool hotspot and warmer corona (although the reflector head of the FT03 is big, so it may not be that noticeable for this size flashlight?)

Thanks freeme
Just ordered mine


It should be the same driver since they are both 3v leds. There is no need for a change, but it would be nice to get confirmation from the factory.

You can’t really compare a Boost driver to a FET driver. The Boost drivers in those 70.2 really don’t get up 4300 lumens, they are typically closer to 3500-3600 lumen at most due to the limits of the Boost driver. I have not seen the M3 tested, but about 45 to 50 watts seems to be the drivers limiting factor (for a high quality boost driver design). Not all manufacturers build the highest quality drivers or max out the output.

This 3v 50.2 is only limited by the led and battery (basically). Bare 50.2’s powered by power supplies have been measured at 5,000 and even close to 6,000 lumen. Once you put it in a flashlight with all it’s optical losses in the reflector and lens plus electrical losses in the springs, driver and battery I think 4,300 lumen is definitely possible. Output will vary with the battery you choose, so an older model 26650 might not produce the highest output, but a high drain unit should.

It will probably need to pull around 16+ amps. It might hit 4300 lumen at a bit less amps, but there are a lot of variables specific to the FT03 design. We would need to wait for it to be tested and measured by a few BLF members to know it’s true output for sure.

It’l need about 14A to put out 4300 lumen

Running an xhp70.2 at lower currents is just cheaper/easier driver wise, they can still claim it’s an xhp70.2 (china likes bigger numbers) and the increase in visual brightness to running it at higher amps isn’t that big compared to the extra heat.

They’ll probably have a different corona but the FT03 (at least the first batch) has a smooth but not really smooth reflector which might help get rid of it

Thanks pal!


I need hot spot and/or beem shot for CW and how well it use black littokalla battery. I have bought too many so now I need more flashlights :partying_face: :person_facepalming: