Amazon Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

They have stock now. Just ordered one for $13 thats insane value!! Thank you gchart!

$13 for the SP40 set including the battery and 18350 tube is crazy! And next day shipping

Is it over? I don’t see a coupon.

Same here. I don’t see how to get it either. Help appreciated…. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting. Just got one for $13.49.

If you can’t find the deal at Vipon, search for “Sofirn”.

This this

I just went to Vipon and searched for “Sofirn”

Here you go:

Got one. Hope I didn’t snag teacher’s!

Can someone explain how you are getting it for $13.49 please.

I click that link but see nothing to reduce the price.

I got it for $14.20 with tax . Odd thing was Vipon Amazon link said the light was unavailable but if I went directly to Amazon , it was in stock and the coupon worked.

I am not seeing anything on VIPON by Sofirn ?? Link?

Both lotrbfme and myself posted links above. Are those not working on your device?

Sofirn headlight Vipon deal comes active again in 18 hours and 40 minutes.

I found it on my phone but not my computer, Strange??


Vipon tells me both Sofirn coupons are out for today and to try again tomorrow.
I was going to get both an SF02 and a headlamp.

SF02 comes back active in 2 hours.

Crap… I see where I screwed up. I had a brain fart & a ‘senior moment’ at the same time. :person_facepalming: . :person_facepalming:

I misread the post by koss and just clicked on his link, INSTEAD of first going to Vipon to get the code and then clicking on the link koss posted.

No wonder I was getting nothing…. :person_facepalming:

Oh well… I’ll try again when & if the code resets. :money_mouth_face:

The sofirn pen is available again.

:person_facepalming: … Missed it again. :smiley: … Oh well, maybe if there is a third time it will be ‘the charm’. :wink:

Come On Man ——— :cry:

1 Thank

I got an SF02 ordered, but missed the headlamp again. Only allowed to purchase one light with the discount.