TK's Emisar D4V2 review

The HQ ProgKey Universal is probably the one you’re looking for:

The boards are available from Oshpark and they’re relatively cheap since they’re so small. I’d recommend attaching wires to the boards instead of a header block, because it makes the thing easier to fit into tight spaces. The block ideally goes several cm away on the wires, or could even just be omitted if you can get a ribbon cable to fit. Then the other end of the cable can be configured however one wants, to fit a variety of different pad layouts.

I keep three full kits wired up — one for a SOIC8 clip, one for Emisar’s pad layout, and one for Lexel’s pad layout. One of the three has something weird with the usbasp device though; it stops working after one avrdude command, and then I have to unplug/replug the USB port to reset it. I’m not sure where that usbasp came from though. It looks just like the two I got from fasttech, except it doesn’t quite work the same. Have been meaning to order a couple more, and hopefully they’ll be more reliable.

Can you use the tube from d4 v1
with v2?

curious on the aux LEDs, how bright are they? About the same as the FF E07? Is it fairly noticeable on the low vs high setting? If I take my E07 into a dark closet and turn on the aux LEDs and aim it at the ceiling, I can’t see them on the ceiling. Looking forward to that ‘rainbow’ setting :slight_smile:

Is there the Aux “heartbeat” like on earlier versions of Anduril. bright beats, dim beats…

I only tested one, but yes. It looks like the tube is compatible.

I’m not sure. My sample has the resistors set up differently than a production version, so I can’t really measure that part.

Yes, that’s the pattern it uses in blinking mode.

Nice! Will it heartbeat in rainbow mode as it switches colors? Each color gets a heartbeat flash?

@ToyKeeper what aabout the 18350 tube from the v2 use it on the D1S? could yo see if it works :slight_smile:

That sounds… counter-intuitive. To shift CCT warmer you need to be cutting out more of a wider range of colors vs simply filtering out a bit of the green range

The color cycling and brightness changes happen independent of each other, on different time scales, so it makes a pretty colorful pattern overall.

No. The D1S is not compatible with D4/D1 tubes.

Diffusing the beam can effect the tint a lot. If the filters do that it could be an unintended consequence.

My current D4 has a XP-G2 S4 3D, 4885K which is no longer offered. I really like it and was wondering what would be closest to it now from Emisar? 5000K is my preferred temperature.

Probably the XP-L HI 3A?

Thanks for all your work on this TK and Hank!

Just ordered my first Emisar (D4V2) after doing some research and am excited to have a true pocket rocket. My main EDC is a ZL SC600w MKIII which I've carried daily for a couple years now. I've been wanting another ramping EDC light that I could get the specific brightness for any given situation.

Oh, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to subscribe to this thread, so decided to post.

It’s a button on the first post (only)

Too bad the XP-G2 S4 3D, 4885K is no longer offered. It was perfect without the upgrade cost of XP-L HI. I assume the SST20-5000k is green at lower levels?

Good to see you can now adjust the thermal sensor to the correct ambient temperature.

My first D4 was spot on, but my other two showed 12-15 degrees above ambient.

I really like the upgrades to the ui and the light itself . Do i need another one? Absolutely - probably two!

need? want?

I think i need them so i cant afford copious amounts of alcohol. he he.

yo any good belt clip for the 18350 tube any coolones out there?


#include <mewantzshinyflashlight> //(basic library)

If (Emisar has Anduril){

me bought my firszt Emisar :p //(D4V2 that is.. )


The End..