Which movie did you watch lastֻ

I just had to…

Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever. :laughing:

Surprisingly good, but a bit slow at times. Lots of self-deprecating humor, obviously not meant to be taken seriously, but just good brainless fun. I’d definitely watch it again around the holidays.

New Spiderman / Far From Home—- took my grandson to one of these Movie Tavern Theatres —- very comfortable roomy seating—food of all types brought right to your chair—Financing Available—— :wink:

Logan. Not your typical comic book based movie. Really shows the violence so beware.

Great characters though, I recommend it if you can handle the violence.

Winchester ’73.

I saw it on Starz western channel before work today.

Jimmy Stewart, Shelley Winters, from 1950. A man looking for the man who killed his pa……and his stolen, shooting prize rifle.

I can’t believe I just heard that Grumpy Cat passed this May. :cry:

Before new season I refreshed DARK

Das boot. My favourite film

I really liked Logan.

I saw it at the theatre.

There's a noir version that might be worth watching.

It's most likely the same movie, but mostly if not all in black and white.

For fans of film noir.

I just saw Glass (2019).

It's the third in a trilogy.

1. Unbreakable (2000)

2. Split (2016)

3. Glass (2019)

I liked the first two a lot more.

But if you see the first two, you might as well see the third.

I don't want to give anything more away, so I'll end this post here.

IMO the best Xmen movie bar none.

It was as close to the comic book lines as a movie has gotten to this point. It was brutal. It showed the old adage, live long enough as the hero and the world will see you as the villian. It showed that old age is the worst of any enemy that could ever walk the earth. Worst case of what happens when heros get old. It was a great movie.

Ever since they added sound, it’s a whole new world out there!

Hmmm, interesting. Don’t think I’ve seen any X Men movies except for one with this guy where they’re on round concrete things duking it out and the badguy’s pretty destructive (hey, toldya I don’t recall any), but this one looks really interesting.

Might have to find a copy… on, uhh, youtube or somewhere.

The X-Men movies are excellent.

I especially liked X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014).

The most recent movie I saw was also the best I’ve seen in a looooong while. It’s called Mid90s.

It’s written and directed by Jonah Hill (Superbad, Wolf of Wall Street and others) and it simply rocks. It’s an excellent portrayal of a young kid making friends and the dangers of growing up without much supervision at all. It’s not preachy and it doesn’t hit you over the head with a lesson. The acting (mostly done by amateur actors, but real skaters) feels real and it really made me feel for these kids trying to figure things out for themselves. I loved it.

Mid90s trailer

Me and the family unit saw the new Spiderman yesterday. Worth seeing but every good superhero movie needs a really bad villain and this one is only annoying and slimy. If you can catch a matinee I think you’ll like it more just because of the improved bang for the buck ratio.

Goggled through a bunch of them, the one I saw sounds like “Origins”, with the destructive badguy being the Dead Pool, at least it sounds like. Mention of TMI and the cooling towers sounds like the “round concrete things” I was kindasorta remembering.

If there weren’t like 90 of those movies, sounds like I’d be interested in running through them in sequence.


They’re pretty much worth it. The part that gets weird is they jump timelines. Try Deadpool first, it’s seriously funny and a great stand alone marvel movie. If you dig it, the rest of them are pg13 but fun. See them in order and it will make more sense.

Take this with a grain of salt, I loved the X-Men comics when I was a kid so I have background on the characters. I don’t think it’s that difficult to follow but it may be different if you’re not getting any of the “inside jokes” and other nuances.

I never was into comic boox, so most of those are lost on me.

Wasn’t The Dead Pool the guy who had almost a Spider Man costume in one movie? Can’t recall what he looked like in the “Origins” movie, but I’m sure it wasn’t that.

Then again, for the longest time I thought Huge Ackman’s character was “Wolfman”, with the sideburns and stuff. Hey, what did I know? Pretty kewl, though, with the Freddy Krueger blades. :laughing:

Deadpool was in X-Men Origins, but they butchered the character (he was the one with the sword arms and his mouth sewn shut). They actor who played him (Ryan Reynolds) spent years trying to get a more ‘accurate’ Deadpool movie made. He finally succeeded.

The X-Men movies are very uneven but you had the misfortune of seeing the worst one by far.

Logan is a completely different animal. It is a fantastic film that just happens to use some of the same characters.

Aha, that’s the guy. Now I’m remembering the sewn-mouth thing.

That’s why it had zero connection to… hang on a sec… Ah, this:

which I thought was The Spider Man.

Oh yeh, and to me, “The Dead Pool” was the Clint Eastwood flick.

Everything’s relative, I guess, as it didn’t seem that bad. I kinda liked it, even if I had no idea who anyone was. :laughing:

Hmm, will have to put it on my list… tnx!