What do you season your popcorn with?

I use grated cheese and garlic powder, sometimes add some Franks RedHot. Also, sometimes I will use my favorite Cajun seasoning.

Salt and sugar.


Someone killed it

Yeah, that was me. That sort of topic never ends up well hereā€¦

Right, sorry guys for spoiling this thread. I do eat popcorn and chips too (but afterwards I regret it :person_facepalming: ). My intention is at least to plant a seed of your attention to it. Law enforces giving nutrition facts and ingredients, so everybody could choose for himself.

Ahmmm, coming back to popcorn, who tried one fried on chilli oil with pink (Himalayan) salt? I think it rocksā€¦

Everyone else on the internet is always wrong ...Why is that ?

nice one Sb56637> it takes real guts to show your burro on the forum

I like sweet popcorn, so I would go for plain sugar, caramel sauce, or maple syrup.

Am I the only person here that just likes the Popcorn straight up?
Maybe a little salt and maybe not but why would I ruin the Popcorn flavor with anything else?

And for the record my Mother and Uncle owned a chain of Popcorn Stores when I was growing up and they featured 133 flavors of popcorn and none were as tasty to me as Plain.

Ainā€™t. Nothing wrong with that.

Salted Caramel. Itā€™s magic.

I watched footy last night.
200gm bar of dark chocolate. ā€œā€old Jamaicaā€
Half a Packet of dark chocky ā€œTim Tamsā€ biscuits.
Packet of Ginger biscuits. and a coupla shots of single malt.
After my dinner.

78 yrs old.
Eat all the shit in the world. and still here.
Just shit more and exercise on/with missus.

Youā€™ll live forever I reckon.

Weeeell. Till THEN Anyway.

Just enjoy what you got. WHILE you got it.
Life is sweet. Donā€™t spoil it worrying about things.

I agree with 1stein, I very rarely eat pop corn, maybe twice in ten years. These snacks have a high profit margin which is why they are heavily advertised, and poor nutrition. My naughty treat at the moment is home made jam on toast, either blackcurrant or Morello cherry, it is incredible, but unhealthy, so I am experimenting with simply simmering the fruit with a small amount of sugar and then bottling it, and eating it on breakfast cereal. It is awesome, the taste is outstanding, and so much healthier than these fast foods.

But if I had to eat pop corn, then chilli pepper or maple syrup would be my flavour of choice, probably pepper first.

Donā€™t buy your popcorn at the cinema,they hike the price waaay up , best to get it from the shops before you go.


While I appreciate your sentiment, it sounds like you know very little about the nutritional facts of popcorn.

So maybe you shouldn't post about something that you know so little about?

Plus, if I wanted to be lectured about my diet, I would clearly state that.


Popcorn is a whole grain, and it's actually pretty healthy for you.

(Unless you're one of those people that has to avoid carbs for some bs reason.)

Valentina sauce or Tajin powder.

Powered ghost pepper and a little butter.

Yeah, it has a bit of kick, on the up side very few people will try and take some. You know immediately who does though. LOL

Chile valentina and lemon squeezed then shaken should look something like this. Nice n soggy n salty and mmmm mmmm mmmmm

I put Valentina Extra Hot on a lot of foods, but I haven't tried it on popcorn.

oh wow first time learning about extra hot! Iā€™ll have to find a bottle haha