*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Hmmm… Is your comparison of your “too many 4xAA things” made with good reliable brand AA Lithium Primaries compared to a good reliable brand AA NiMH Rechargeable??

That’s terrific! With a family member having been in the Peace Corps, you’ve got access to some useful inside info on their needs. The most important thing will be cost control… so agencies like Waka Waka would be great to leverage for their insight. They might be interested in partnering to some degree even beyond just facilitating the purchasing mechanism (their web portal).

That’s a neat idea. So essentially a collapsible shade can help control how much light will be projected with a simple one handed motion.

If only we could find those in bright white to test.

On the side reflector department, how about some sort of tissue sock/sleeve you pull on the lantern? Part of it could be a fishnet like transparent section, and it would fold to nothing in a bag - or pulled down on the battery tube when not used…

My missus muggles would call the men in white coats to come & get me if I showed her that lampshade :smiley:

I like that idea :+1:

here is a clear bowl with accent colors perhaps we can spray paint it white on inside

She still has contacts in Uganda and she and a bunch of ex-volunteers meet all the time just to hang out. My plan was to have her try out the LT when I get mine and maybe even bring it to one of their get-togethers. It’s amazing how unprepared some of the volunteers are when they go to their first assignments. I sent her 20 or so flashlights and batteries to give to her comrades who didn’t think to bring one over. They could buy flashlights and batteries in Uganda but most were cheap plastic ones with filament bulbs.

She sold off her solar panels and Eneloops for a pretty penny when she left :money_mouth_face:

Power was out at my home for over 39 hours between Saturday early morning and Sunday afternoon. Between my FW3A, Convoy S2, and Nitecore P12GTS, the mrs and I did OK for light, but I’m really looking forward to the release of the LT1 as the wide area light would have made it a bit easier to cope with the lack of electricity. Side note, check your lights often, I found the Mini MagLite I had for 5 years had died on Saturday.

I found a white collapsible one on Ebay. ( i ordered it to see how it works for a top shade) https://www.ebay.ca/itm/173705904976

Awesome! Looking forward to your findings. :+1:

please put me on the list for one.
hope i’m too late.

Here are this week’s additions and the files linked in post #1 have been updated.

1876 Xandre
1877 Xandre
1878 Xandre
1879 xenotar80
1880 xenotar80
1881 dragunbayne
1882 teejay
1883 bulbeee
1884 teacher
1885 teacher
1886 ferthur
1887 Bardo219
1888 djozz
1889 Smiley_666
1890 CLB
1891 EcuBebge
1892 Ssthis
1893 Ssthis
1894 BrianButlerCPA
1895 Digitalbenty
1896 Digitalbenty
1897 JazzleSAURUS
1898 Enlightened1
1899 blind-eye
1900 Kodrann
1901 L_R_G
1902 Mat_77
1903 lantlight
1904 lantlight
1905 a_idoux
1906 steve42
1907 MNLegoBoy
1908 Hderek
1909 fourbyfive
1910 takumi86

It’s not too late and I added you. However you won’t see your name on the list or files until the next update.

Today (well Sunday July,21st,2019) was my birthday, and i made it to, & hit the half century mark! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Happy 50th Birthday! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Den! :partying_face:

Congrats on hitting 50!