Huge 60-80%+ off closeout sale! Niwalker, Xeno, Crelant

Received my second order yesterday. Thank you EDCPlus.

Can you let us know what you have on brocken lights? Always interested in some modding Hosts. Maybe there is something i could add if you are ok with selling them seperatly.

I am also interested in the list :slight_smile:

interested in the broken lights list

Someone bought all the broken lights. If I come up with anything else, I’ll post. I probably have 5-10 more lights for sale soon, then that’ll be about it.

Also, I just remembered these hosts never sold: WTS: 3 Torchlite Shooter 26650 DIY host lights

$35 anyone?

Bux sent for the Torchlites and Xenos. :slight_smile:

Got any Black Cat (made in Gemany) lights floating around? :laughing:

I still want one…

Just got my Black Xeno EO3 and diffusers. Arrived in perfect condition thank you.

I would like to buy the F7 Neutral White XM-L2 — $20. Please advise on shipping cost. Thank You.

I will take 2 tw15 diffuser wands for e03 and the blue neutral white e03. Thanks.

$3.50 for shipping for the F7. You have my paypal info, so feel free to send money if you’d like to order. Thanks

The E03 NW with light wear for $7? PM me for paypal info thanks

Paypal sent. Thanks.

Money sent and item is one the way. Thanks.

I Didn’t think that. I actually was just pming boaz about how those g10’s were built like tanks. We also figured WE would be buying them from YOU

Unless I will be on the verge of becoming homeless I will not be selling my Xenos. I have a couple of Xeno R7’s. Those are built like super tanks. This is a nice clearance sale. Wonder if those Xeno cubes will ever be discounted. Those are pricey little buggers.

I’ll take a Xeno F7-cool white

Sure $15 + $3.5 shipping. You know where to send money. Thanks

Got the lights. Very happy with them. Lots of old school charm in them. Sending you a pm

Thank you for the amazing prices! I can’t take advantage of the sale though.

yeah I was looking really hard at that G10v1 . looked very sweet in like a light army green .

I had a nice light bluish grey farka F8v5 and a chocolate brown xeno f8v6 . The machining, the subtle colors and nice ano put on some of their more expensive lights were very impressive.

nice grab .