Sofirn Ebay Store $9.99 for C01S+Diffuser

I guess he only listed 2 per color for now, he will probably add more soon.

I like having a non-Banggood non-Aliexpress store option.

I like having another $6.99 flashlight option.

Today I was working on documents concerning my feisty miniature Schnauzer Wyke.
The last echo by the vet showed many shades of grey, and hardly any organs, in het tummy.
So we agreed on putting her down. A sad moment. Two months ago now, but still is.

I comforted myself with a miniature blue flashlight. Beats pillaging the fridge.

The price is $6.99 again for C01S. The price is for new store. Quantity limited!

I just bought a blue one! :smiley:

Hmmm, only the black C01S remains - I already have a black one, but it’s a nice price…agh, I’m torn.

How awful. My little Schnauzer has just developed a limp which is probably arthritis. Will you get another?

I grabbed what the page showed as the last one. I would have bought a few more for gifts if I could have. I’ll check the Ali store.

Edit: I also wanted to add, thank you very much. My clicking hand sometimes hits save before my brain is ready.

Probably not, at the moment. Better to let the dust settle a bit. Like half a year or so.
Till that time my 9 yo standard Schnauzer will have to bark twice as hard at the mailman :wink:

the plan was to make new batch start from Low, but factory is too busy. Have to wait till the old ones sold out.

Now the red ones is sold out, Blue is almost. Black ones are quite available.

Barry, when they go back into production, any chance they can have more modes? Something like 0.5lm, 3lm, 30lm, 60lm, 100lm?

I find more than two modes inconvenient for a twisty flashlight. Three would still be acceptable but 5??

It was just an example. 3 would be ok. Different strokes and all that but a 2 mode light is a definite no go for me.

Edit: you’re probably right though, 5 may be a bit too much. My main keyring EDC atm is an L3 Illumination L08. It has 4 modes and imo the spacing is amazing, if not perfect (0.09lm, 3lm, 30lm, 120lm).

Okay okay, since you’ve restocked the black ones on the eBay store, I’ll do my part and buy a couple more to hurry up the new batch. =P

Even three modes is a stretch for a twisty. My A01 gets tiresome trying to change modes with all the twisting back-and-forth. I like the way DQG and others did the two-stage twist for 2-mode. My Olight with just one mode works fine too.

That’s how I prefer these small keychain type lights. Just give me high and be done with it.

Barry, I would also like to buy one or more blue C01S flashlights at the $6.99 price. Will this become available again? Thanks!

I understand why people only want two modes on a twisty, but the C01S low is just too low for me.

Has anyone ever made a two-mode twisty where (say) 10 quick twists would change the low mode level?

For example, default could be 3lm and 100lm, but 10 twists would switch it to be 30lm and 100lm. Doing 10 twists again would switch it back. I would just set it to 30lm / 100lm and that would be me sorted.

That sounds cool. Like Streamlight 10-tap to change programs.

After doing the math, $6.99 is too low and sofirn is losing money. Because if the package is below 50 grams, the shipping fee is caculated as 50 gram.

One C01S is about 38g, sofirn pay more than 38g package cost.

I made a adjustment. Sell 2pcs as bundle, 1x C01S + 1x Diffuser as bundle.

Please check these two links