Lumintop FW1A discussion and review

ActiveAl, according to the specs, the XPL has more lumens and more throw.

Tint and CRI is what am after. For throw i'll put White1 in

Nichia and 7A won’t add to the cart, I think only the other three are available options.

Now it seems it’s gone

Try this one:

Yes, link has changed - amended my previous post.

Wait. These are live?!

YEP! :partying_face:

Is 1200 lumens for the XPL and 700 for the SST about what everyone was expecting?

I’m surprised the candela numbers are what they are.

I guess those sound a bit optimistic. I was hoping for more lumens.

I hope we get new colors. I already have two grey FW3As. I should have waited until the colors came out, I want that army green one. I was hoping they’d use the same colors for this one since they are already producing them and the lights share 2/3 of their anodized parts.

Based on datasheets and testing I’ve read, aren’t those flux numbers only for top of the ramp?
I think FET turbo should be higher than those numbers are. Or have they used some different firmware version with FET limiting?

For example SST-20 datasheet (pg3), a middle of the road flux bin is under 700lm at 3A 85*C.

And another examples:
Maukka tested SST-20 4000K J4 CRI95 to do ~690lm at 2.8A. (~1000lm at 5A)

Texas_Ace tested XP-L HI 1A V2 to do ~940lm at 2.75A (~1400lm at 5A)

Any dimensions of the reflector?? If this won’t fit some of the regularly available optics without too much trouble I’m not buying it.

Ordered. Love my FW3A, my D4 and FW3A converted me to the benefits of floodier lights, but throwers have always been my first love. Thanks folks!

When xpl 7A will be available?Is there any smooth reflector suitable for it?

Just ordered a FW1A with the XPL HI 3D (5000k) LED just to check this thing out. Total cost with the BLFFW3A discount code was $33.16 $35.16 (with free shipping). Total savings was $8.79.

According to the product page: The light will be shipped after the Chinese mid-autumn day, estimate ship at September 17th.

BTW, the Convoy holster at $2.50 seems to be a good deal. This is a sturdy holster with two pockets for pens and another pocket for an extra 18650 battery. It is designed for a Convoy S2 that has a length of about 118 mm, but FW1A at 100 mm should fit OK. The FW3A (at 92.5 mm) rides a little deep and the flashlight gets somewhat buried and hard to pull out - primarily because the two tabs at the top of the pen pockets get in the way. If you're not going to use the pen pockets, then it might be helpful to cut the tabs off.

Edit: $33.16 was corrected to my real cost of $35.16. My mistake. Sorry.

justanotherguy, thanks for pointing this out!

$33.16 ?
I had $35.15

Yes, I stand corrected. I actually paid 35.16. Sorry.

Thank you… I have a bad history with screwing up codes. Lol