FINISHED pinkpanda's entry for 7th Annual BLF Old-Lumens Scratch-build contest!

I cant find any 10250 cells now? 10280 are hard to find too but got four on order.

I could send you back the spare Nukes I bought for you, for the sake of seeing such build. :smiley:
I wonder what would they do with 3V XHP50.2…

I’ll keep that in mind, would mean ordering a momentary driver & other headache stuff too and I’m behind with builds as usual.
Anyway, lets stop spamming pinks Rebelcheatin’buildthread with off topic chat :smiley:

It wouldn’t be blf if we didn’t get side tracked :smiley: Pics above should be fixed now.

I made the pill. I hope I left enough room for the wires.

excellent pp, a new comp ,pics aren’t working for me

Doh! I checked this page on the wife’s phone to make sure they were showing. Will go back and try again.

working now :+1:

Thanks LTP :beer: Worked out I hadn’t set the album to ‘share’ yet :person_facepalming:

Looks good pp. Your skills are coming along in leaps and bounds. I’d say theres heaps of room for wiring. :slight_smile:

Nice build so far! I’m glad my post brought some kinda response, but I didn’t expect a rogue build! :smiling_imp:

Honest, officer! I was only trying to get the real contest to start! :innocent:

Thanks moose :beer:

It wasn’t me officer :cowboy_hat_face: , David is the mastermind… :zipper_mouth_face: err… no I mean ‘the’ … I’m a pleb :blush: Honest…

Im wondering Pinkpanda what is the superconductor bar made out of?

According to the seller this is NIOBIUM TITANIUM ALLOY. I’m assuming the orange part is copper and not cupronickel.

Wiki says there is a couple different varieties - Superconductor material classes include chemical elements (e.g. mercury or lead), alloys (such as niobium-titanium, germanium-niobium, and niobium nitride), ceramics (YBCO and magnesium diboride), superconducting pnictides (like fluorine-doped LaOFeAs) or organic superconductors (fullerenes and carbon nanotubes; though perhaps these examples should be included among the chemical elements, as they are composed entirely of carbon).

Thanks- i think it will look great and unique when turned down exposing the different alloys.

That’s the plan. I am far from the first person to do this but this material is not nearly as popular as steel damascus, mokume or timascus.

The steel sounds and looks really really expensive. :money_mouth_face:

looking good pp ,how much is that metal worth?,I cried with the $150 I paid for the metal for my light bar.

I feel terrible now :cry: :cry: I paid more than you for that little piece. I really don’t want to screw this up.

On the bright side, it looks sweet after machining

pp cant say what hi material cost ltp as his better half would kill him. :stuck_out_tongue: