[review] Wurkkos WK30 white/red/UV light

Can you share how it's done? If it's (somewhat) repeatable..

The bug you mentioned seems to be similar to the one on the SP32A v1, detailed below.


I've also discovered a few "bugs" on other Sofirn flashlights, eg the Sofirn SP32A (v1)

(note: Sofirn SP32A (v1) has a few revisions, which I will name v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 -- this are my OWN version numbering, not Sofirn's)
v1.0: the very first batch with the very long ramping time (~7.5-8 seconds to ramp from low-to-high and high-to-low)
v1.1: improved ramping time of ~4 seconds while ramping from low-to-high or vice-versa; the flashlight does 2 slow blinks upon reaching Highest or Lowest brightness level (while ramping)
v1.2: similar ramping time as v1.1, but this revision does only 1 very quick blink to signify reaching the Highest or Lowest brightness level (while ramping)

I sold away the v1.0, so I can't verify it has the bug. I'm using the "v1.1" version where there are 2 blinks upon ramping to the Top or Bottom brightness.
I've ordered the "v1.2" for other people, which is how I discovered it has a difference in the different blinks when reaching ramp-top/bottom.

The bug for SP32A v1.1 (might be present in v1.0 and v1.2 too):
- go to Strobes modes (via triple-click), then do quad-clicks to engage Lockout mode.
bug result: The flashlight will now be locked out doing Strobes modes, and cannot be turned Off, until doing another 4 clicks to Unlock.

(normally, 4-clicks to Lock-out should only engage while in Off mode, not in a special mode like Strobes).

I'm wondering, if this is related to the above WK30's cannot turn off Strobes modes -- 4-clicks makes it "locked out" ( ie. cannot switch to another mode) in Strobes?


Some other bug I've discovered on other Sofirn flashlights (related again to the "4-clicks to Lockout"):

Sofirn C8F v1 (the 18650 version) bug:
- the flashlight can be "locked out" while it's in Moon mode (ie. the light stays lit up in "Moon" mode brightness level, and since it's locked out, cannot adjust brightness or do anything else, until doing another 4-clicks to "Unlock" the "Lockout" mode)

requires a special sequence to activate this "Moon mode Locked-out" bug:
- turn On the flashlight first (any mode) => do a long-press/hold, which makes the C8F go to Moon mode, then do 4-clicks which will Lock-out the flashlight (with the main LED in Moon brightness level)
- this "bug" does NOT occur if done this way: from Off, long-press/hold the flashlight to make flashlight go to Moon mode, subsequently doing 4-clicks will not engage Lockout if done this way.

Brought one of these since a light with its features would be very useful to me. Have had nothing but problems with it. Nearly impossible to get out of white light mode. Several times have managed to get the red light. However this came only after three clicks, not two. UV light has come up one time. White light comes on immediately most of the time when switch is first pressed. Am returning and getting a replacement which, hopefully, will work properly.

My WK30 is 365nm now.
Still has plenty of output.
That ugliness is some NOA 61 I smeared.

Any idea when they will come back at sale price on AliExpress? I previously bought it for $29 with battery. Now it’s $42

Is Amazon an option for you? I have recently updated the groupbuy again with new discount codes.

Unfortunately no. The shipping charges would be prohibitive.

Please check again in an hour or so. I have asked Wurkkos to give us a better price again. :-)

That’s great!! Thank you. Will try again in a bit

Wurkkos just adjusted the price to $ 26.99 (w/o battery) again. :-)

Bought it, thanks!!!

Apart from my full recommendation on the WK30 I started to collect some ideas (with help from BLF/TLF members) what Wurkkos/Sofirn could improve in the next update/upgrade.

All these findings are minor issues only and should not distract from the general good quality this flashlight is made of.

Direct access to Turbo

This can be done but would require changes in the UI. Currently, doubleclick will trigger the redlight mode. Maybe something comparable to ToyKeeper's Andúril might work fine...

Immediate Turbo (white):
From OFF: Hold (1H), i.e. click and hold
Moonlight (white):
From OFF: Click, Hold (2H), i.e. click, release, click and hold

Illuminated switch button

Using an illuminated switch button during operation would help to find the switch location in the dark. Currently, this is only the case when using the UV mode. However, some users may feel dissatisfied with a permanently illuminated switch. Therefore, it would be nice to have user-defined configuration settings.

Deburred tailcap edges

This minor nuisance has been reported to Wurkkos already. Some samples show a sharp edge on the tailcap. Nothing dangerous at all but still somehow uncomfortable when touching along its surface.

Knurling on the tailcap and battery tube

The tailcap could be turned easier with a textured surface (knurling). It feels a bit slippy sometimes. For an even more tactile handling and better look they could also apply some knurling on the battery tube.

Alternate emitters

I already suggested to Wurkkos to use a 365nm UV LED (e.g. LG LEUVA33W70RL00 365nm) instead of the LG LEUVA33U70UL00 395nm UV LED. They are investigating if future batches can be supplied with a 365nm UV LED.

Moreover, I asked them to test the new XP-G3 deep red (660nm wavelength) and evaluate if it's worth replacing the XP-E2 red (625nm) in return for a more saturated red color beam. Chances are good that the XP-G3 has enough power to compensate the lower reception of deep red light by more lumens.

Rattling of the 26650 battery in the tube

The 26650 battery has a bit of play inside the battery tube, so shaking the flashlight might result in a slight rattling. I do not see much of a problem here as this enables the WK30 to use thicker 26650 batteries like Keepower 6.000mAh.

USB-C port

Instead of a microUSB port Wurkkos could try using a USB-C port as in Sofirn's SP36. This would result in less fiddling when trying to plug in the microUSB cable. Another benefit would be fast charging using the PowerDelivery profile. Since that would also mean higher material costs, I'm not sure how reasonable that change would be.

Wurkkos could also check to move the USB port into the thread section where it is even more protected against ingress of water and dust. Eventually, this would mean to completely redesign the host, so not really done easily.

Retaining ring

The driver seems to be press-fitted or glued. In terms of easier maintenance, modding and repair I would appreciate it if Sofirn/Wurkkos were to use a retainer like we can see inside the C8F/C8G flashlights.

Centering rings (gaskets)

The most important change I see is to use gaskets / centering rings to get a better, more precise alignment of LEDs and the triple reflector. I found slightly off-centered LEDs on two samples of the WK30, resulting in some artifacts on whitewall shots. However, when outside you won't recognize these minor imperfections as the beam profile is very floody. Unfortunately, this improvement would require significant changes on the head/reflector structure, so it's very unlikely to happen soon.

Unno, I’m generally happy with the ’30 as-is.

Click’n’hold for moonlight is about the only UI change I’d want. With memory for white, anyone wants turbo can just click up very quickly once it’s on, but click’n’hold for moonlight keeps you from getting blinded if you don’t know what mode it’s in beforehand. Red and UV, nomem, start-on-low. Always.

Smooth doesn’t bother me, and as I think I mentioned, I tend to see diving lights without any knurling. Probably avoids abrasions on air-hoses and the like, which could be a bit of a problem underwater, I’d think.

Micro vs C, don’t particularly care, as I’ve been getting some more things that need C. Means I have to carry a cable of each, but…

365nm, photo-red, can go either way, don’t particularly care, as I like it as-is.

Lit-switch when off? Absolutely, but only only only if it’s red, and very very very dim. Or at least programmable, which’d likely play Hell with the UI. Red doesn’t keep you awake, and a too-bright switch that seems to be all the rage today is just an annoyance which I’d likely keep off. Constant. Dim. Red. No “breathing”, nothing.

Hell, I keep my Cometa’s tailcap unscrewed at night because the Blue Lighthouse just keeps me awake.

I’m generally happy with mechanics and UI of the WK30, too. The big thing on my change list would be lower moonlight levels for both white and red light. Red light seems primarily useful for preserving night vision, e.g., on a boat, or for astronomy. And 5 lumens is much too high for that. Out of curiosity, what in the world do people use 200 lumens of red light for (or should I be afraid to ask)?

added to my ever-growing wish list of flashlights :smiley:

Freaky Halloween Light Show? Dunno, but it’s KOOOLLLLLL ! :sunglasses: :+1:

Oh, how bout night huntin brush hogs?

Wurkkos WK30 sesonal edition: My Way

Very, very nice light this one! I think this is my new favorite toy. And I was lucky enough that I was able to take the bezel off with no tools.. Somehow mine had a bit of red threadlocker, but it was so dry and looked like it had shrunken with time or something, pulling itself off the threads.. It simply fell off the threads once the bezel was free.

Love the form factor and reflector size, also THANK God the reflectors are SMO! Don't like the hold for Off tho.. :|

First thing this light needs fixing is a 365nm LG UV emitter, which ofc it's on its way from Simon :) and also a ZWB2 365NM UV filter :P

I wish the body would've been just a straight cut and thicker, as well as the tail cap.

I also wish the emitters would've been perfectly centered and have centering gaskets.. :|

I hope the MCU is supported/compatible with Anduril, so I could put some custom version of it on this nice light ideally :)

The beam patterns are nice, if only the emitters would've been properly centered that is.

I love the cutouts for the switch and USB port, as well as the USB protection cover.

I wish that there was one more mode between eco and low, otherwise, the spacing between low, mid, high is quite nice. Also the same for red, or have the mid a bit lower, maybe around 30 lumens or so. I feel like the UV's low mode is kinda pointless, but doesn't bother me too much.

Random stuff I haven't seen mentioned:

Sofirn SP33 body tube fits nicely with the help of a 2mm thick spacer that you could make out of some solid copper wire - someone mentioned that this light would look better with some knurling on the body and tail - I can now confirm that is definitely the case ;)

Triple Click from Red goes back to white, just as Double Click does from UV.

In case anyone had any doubts :)


Would like to buy amother Wurkkos WK30. Any idea when they will come back at sale price on AliExpress? I previously bought it for $29 with battery. Thanks

I notice that a few of the Wurkkos products have moved to the Sofirn AliExpress store, not sure if the WK30 was also made available there.