Emisar D1sV2 respectively Noctigon K1

Dang, good sounding light! I am curious about the change in name from Emisar to Noctigon. I figured the Noctigon name was a thing of the past.

Looks good! Is that a stainless steel bezel?

Hank, could you add an SST20 95CRI (3000k or 3500k or 4000k) as stock light option? A lot of people is interested in this version, as I am. Big reflecter and regulated driver makes all sence for this Hi CRI throwy led.

My guess
Emisar = Linear + FET drivers.
Noctigon = Regulated drivers like M43

Since regulated and with Osram LED, which 21700 makes best sense to buy?

I was planning on the Samsung 50E for 5000mah unless someone recommends otherwise.

Here, the 50E is your best bet.

Yes, that is right.

Yes, we do the customs build, bascially,
any 3535 footprint, 3V based LED can be put into it.

Take my money!

Would you consider SST90.2?

I don’t think so, as far as I know, the SST90.2 willl need 20A+ to push it to the maximum
performance, the stock driver can not deliver such high current.

Anduril UI, yes, fully regulated driver (not DD) with Anduril UI.

Hank do you have any thoughts on the different types of Osram leds in this light,
such as White Flat 1mm (CSLNM1.TG) vs White Flat 2mm (CSLPM1.TG)?

Hank, what kind of regulated driver?

There are actually two versions.
One is the 5A Linear regularted driver for the Osram, SST-20, XP-L LED.
The other is the boost 2A/12V driver which is for the XHP35 LED.

Yes, of course, I have tested both of them.

Stoked to see the boost driver! Thanks Hank

500kcd!!! Take my money interested! :smiley:

I’m in for this one. Love it, can’t wait! Thanks for the update.