Are You Ready? Sofirn SP36 will be 30% off Nov 3rd-11th!(AMZ US)

I am very interested in SP31V2.0.

Yes. I would be interested in a deal with batteries also.

Vote for SP40, I don’t have a headlamp.

I am going to add that I would only be interested in SP36 with batteries AND Anduril software.

GearBest has a Flash Sale right now for $42.99

SP36 Flash Sale


Sofirn SP36, 4 LH351D LED 5000K 90 CRI. Anduril blf

with batteries included. these would be gifts for family members.


Why is it that the link to Amazon Canada does not work? :frowning:
Are we excluded from your deals?

I would pay the extra dollar every time to not have to deal with GB if any issues arise

Amazon youve got a REAL 30 days :wink:

Me as well! Kit? It seems like it’s just the flashlight itself. What constitutes it being a “kit?”

A BLF deal on the SP40 on AliExpress or Amazon Canada would be nice. :slight_smile:

AguassissiM The link in Sofirn’s signature might be out of date. Try this:

I just checked, and the code DOES work with the kit link: Sofirn BLF SP36 Kit Lowers the price from $79.99 to $55.99!

Thank you for posting that!

Thank you for your support. You indeed love SP36 :smiley: :smiley:

How much is it on Banggood plus postage?

:person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:
Thank you. I gave a link to SP36(battery excluded)yesterday,toay I increased the link of SP36 kit in my post.

Thank you for the link, it takes you to their store however the discount code doesn’t work.

The code is available for SP36 We will have other deals for Please wait patienly. Thank you.

Thank you for the clarification :+1: very much appreciated. :+1:
I will wait patiently. :sunglasses:

I’m sorry for this error :person_facepalming: .I already update my post,you can find link of kit.

What about a code for this one? with Anduril