【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

Hey guys.
What do you think about Anduril firmware for Convoy flashlights?
Is it possible?

On the stock drivers… probably not. Anduril can work on a dual switch light, but I’m pretty sure not on a mechanical-only.

The next check for things like the L6 is the driver MCU and also flashing pins/connections… I’ll leave that to people far more knowledgeable than I.

I think, it’s not possible with actual drivers. And they need an e-switch of cause.
Flashlights with e-switch are: M3, S9, L6, H1
Some other side-switch flashlights has reverse clicky, like BD-series or M4U

I would love to see more BLF-drivers in convoy-flashlights.

Does anyone know what it would take to replace the S12 reverse clicky:


with the taller Convoy forward clicky:


I am assuming a longer rubber switch boot is necessary after the switch is replaced via soldering.

Hi Simon. Any news since then? Is development in progress?


Any news on this light?

Spotted on Banggood

I really wish it had a ramping FW on it… That light begs for it. Should be a compact monster, heat will be an issue. I really like the battery cap or what ever you want to call it.


I’ll try and help the best I can. I converted an M1 to a forward clicky. I have not seen the S12 in person and I don’t know how similar it is, switch wise, to the M1. Also when I did my conversion I used a forward clicky from MTNelectronics (for what it is worth I really like that switch and I’ll provide a link below). So with those caveats in mind, here is what I did that I would guess you would need to as well.

I removed the old switch and soldered the new one on. I then had to open up the washer just a smidge and I removed the nipple from inside the boot. I was recommended to use snips and not try and cut it out. I did just that and it worked fine. None of it was too hard. The switch I used was slightly tricky to line up and I had to remove it from the pcb it came on. I hope that helps.

yes of cause. anduril would be great.
and it needs more power.

I dont trust the dimensions: 183mm x 99mm x 80mm (Length x Head diameter x Body diameter)
I think its smaler.

I love the flat top adapter.

If Convoy made the H2 model with an SST 40 diode and SMO reflector for a longer distance, it would be nice …

An SST-40 in the headlamp wouldn’t have any advantage over the XM-L2 unless it was also driven harder. If it was driven harder, it would need to be a burst mode, because heat. The slight texture on the reflector is only going to cost a low-single-digit percentage of throw; I think what you really want here is a smaller, or dedomed emitter like an SST-20 or XP-L HI, and/or a wider reflector.

Any news on these products?

maybe so … Many probably need a long-range L-shaped headlight on a 18650 battery, and I think Convoy could do it … in addition, there are not many brands of long-range headlights …

But why do you want a long distance in a headlamp? I think headlamps are for short distances, just to walk or repair something. Not throwers. Maybe SMO reflector with XHP 50 or 70 with sliding diffuser. Not like in Skilhunt, but just sliding from left to right. I think this would be perfect. No, perfect would be to create headband with plastic holder like Armytek has. And that headlamp with strap would be just perfect. And XHP70.2 5000K Simon has, has great tint.

You mean like this one?

Looks like the Convoy BLF discount is no longer valid due to changes in the aliexpress website. The old method to apply it no longer works, and even after communication with Simon, it did not get applied before shipping.

It seems like bypassing AliExpress for custom orders is now the way to go… either there’s no way to defer payment and send a message, or it’s been made intentionally hard to find.